Rinzler is an example implementation of microservice frontend architecture via using single-spa framework. The aim is release a project is similar to spotify. Each individual app uses different tech stack to expose the component.
There is no attempt to produce a production ready project. It's just a experimental project and see how it works. But anyway we have still some issues about implementing the mfa.
Micro-frontend architecture is a strategy in which the traditionally monolithic frontend codebase is split into smaller apps, ideally addressing the various business domains. All these smaller elements form a seamless frontend interface that delivers top-notch user experience and is easy to modify and scale.
there are three kinds of microfrontends in single-spa framework. The list is following:
- single-spa applications: Microfrontends that render components for a set of specific routes.
- single-spa parcels: Microfrontends that render components without controlling routes.
- utility modules: Microfrontends that export shared JavaScript logic without rendering components.
root-config(single-spa) 5000
- sidebar(react) 5001
- main(svelte) 5002
- friends list(vue) 5003
- player(svelte) 5004
- Docker
root-config is running on 5000!
docker-compose up -d
- Allowed all origins due to cors issues
- https://single-spa.js.org/docs/microfrontends-concept
- https://twitter.com/joelbdenning”
- https://single-spa.js.org/docs/separating-applications/
- https://single-spa.js.org/docs/recommended-setup/#shared-dependencies
- https://blog.playmoweb.com/speed-up-your-builds-with-docker-cache/
- https://micro-frontends.org/
- https://martinfowler.com/articles/micro-frontends.html
- https://levelup.gitconnected.com/micro-frontend-architecture-794442e9b325