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= Welcome to the !MapServer Issue Tracker and Wiki =
The !MapServer Issue Tracker is used primarily to keep track of problems encountered with MapServer (i.e. "bugs"). To enter an issue use the [/mapserver/newticket New Ticket] button. To query outstanding issues perform a [/mapserver/query Query].
'''Important Note'''
Only authenticated (logged in) users can submit/edit tickets or edit Wiki pages, though anyone can view. Use your [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo userid/password] to login.
== Bug Tracking ==
- [http://www.mapserver.org/development/bugs.html MapServer Bug Submission HOWTO]
- [/newticket Submit a new bug report]
- [query:status!=closed&type=defect&order=id&desc=1 List Open Bugs]
- [query:status!=closed&type=enhancement&order=id&desc=1,compact List Open Enhancement Requests]
- [/log svn changelog]
This site is also used as a '''Wiki''' to allow !MapServer users to create pages that could be helpful for other users and developers. Please feel free to add pages and link them below. Note that to edit the wiki you must first create an [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo userid] and then login.
== Community ==
- [http://www.mapserver.org/community/lists.html MapServer Email Lists]
- [wiki:Conferences MapServer Conferences]
- [wiki:HostingProviders MapServer Hosting Providers]
- [wiki:Presentations MapServer Presentations Archive]
- [wiki:MUGs MapServer User's Groups]
- [http://www.osgeo.org/search_profile MapServer Service Providers] search tool
- [wiki:UserDirectory MapServer User Directory]
- [wiki:MapServerSites MapServer Sites] - gallery of existing sites
- [http://ms.gis.umn.edu:8081/ms_plone/ Old Mapserver Web Site] (may not be always up, some useful docs and howtos are still there)
- [wiki:DocumentationTranslation Documentation Translation Process]
- [wiki:ProjectInfo]
== Tips, Tricks, and How-Tos ==
- [wiki:FAQ]
- [wiki:SymbologyExchange Symbology Exchange]
- [wiki:MapObjFromString Loading map objects from config strings]
- [wiki:UserScripts Useful MapServer Scripts]
- [wiki:MapServerGrid GRID Object Use]
- [wiki:RenderingOsmData Rendering OpenStreetMap data with MapServer]
- [wiki:RenderingOsmDataUbuntu Rendering OpenStreetMap data on Ubuntu with MapServer]
- [wiki:DebuggingMapserver Debugging MapServer]
- [wiki:MapServerErrors MapServer Errors]
- [wiki:ShpTree shptree Utility]
- [wiki:MapServerDXF DXF Output]
- [wiki:WindowsProjHowto Setting up Windows for Projections Support]
- [wiki:RasterData Raster Data]
- [wiki:RasterQuery Raster Query]
- [wiki:WorldMappingIssues World Mapping Issues] (datelines, horizon, etc)
- [wiki:MapRotation Producing Rotated Maps]
- [wiki:ProcessingDirectives Processing Directives]
- [wiki:EnvironmentVariables Environment Variables]
- [wiki:JavaMapscriptUsing Building and using Java Mapscript]
- [wiki:OracleSpatial Using Oracle Spatial Data]
- [wiki:MySQLSpatial Using MySQL Spatial Data]
- [wiki:XMLMapfiles Using XML Mapfiles]
- [wiki:DatabaseTileIndex Using TILEINDEXes with Database RASTERS]
- [http://mobilegeographics.com/mapserver/ some basic MapServer recipes]
== Features ==
- [wiki:MapServerHistory MapServer History ]
- [wiki:MapServervsArcIMS MapServer vs ArcIMS Comparison]
- [wiki:OGCSupport OGC Support and Configuration]
- [wiki:OGR OGR - Vector Data Access Support]
- [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MapServer MapServer on Wikipedia]
== Developer Notes ==
- [wiki:HowToStartContributingDev How to start contributing to development?]
- [wiki:MapServerCompilation Compiling MapServer]
- [wiki:LightSpeedMapServer Compiling Fast MapServer]
- [wiki:ReleasePlans Release Plans]
- [wiki:UsingMapOWSCommon Using mapowscommon.c ]
- [wiki:UnifyingTheRenderingInterfaces Renderer Interface Unification ]
- [wiki:MapTable Non Spatial Table Support ]
- [wiki:PHPMapScript]
- [wiki:PerlMapScript]
- [wiki:PythonMapScript]
- [wiki:Platforms_and_Processors Platforms and Processors Survey] (from 2004)
- [wiki:MapServerSecurity MapServer Security]
- [wiki:MapServerMapMaker MapServer MapMaker]
- [wiki:TorontoCodeSprint2009Notes Toronto Code Sprint 2009 Notes]
- [wiki:NewYorkCodeSprint2010Notes New York Code Sprint 2010 Notes]
- [wiki:MapServerReleasePackagingHowTo MapServer Release Packaging HowTo]
- [wiki:CodingGuidelines Coding Guidelines]
- [wiki:CodingStyle Coding Style]
- [wiki:GSoC_SVG_Symbols GSoC Project: SVG Symbol Support]
- [wiki:GSoC_KML_output GSoC Project: KML Output Driver]
- [wiki:gsoc2011 GSoC Project: Inspire view service support]
- [wiki:TinyOWSModGeocacheIntegration TinyOWS and Mod-Geocache integration in the MapServer project]
== [wiki:Suggestions-Enhancements Suggestions / Enhancements] ==
== Testing ==
- !MapServer !BuildBot - Check if builds and tests are working
- the buildbot server is currently down
- [wiki:MapServerOGCCITECompliance MapServer OGC CITE Compliance]
== Project Updates ==
- [wiki:OSGeo-AGM-Project-Report-2008 MapServer project report at the 2008 OSGeo AGM]
- [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MapServer_Report_2008 MapServer Project Report for OSGeo's 2008 Annual Report