A basic setup for connecting FoxDot to P5js. Quickly adapted from p5js-osc.
If needed, install node
Clone this repo and install required libraries:
$ git clone https://github.com/feature-creature/FoxDot-to-P5js
$ cd FoxDot-to-P5js/
$ npm install
Start the osc bridge. It receives OSC messages from FoxDot and sends them to p5js:
$ node bridge.js
In a new tab, start a lightserver to auto-load your livecoded p5js in a browser:
$ cd basic-example/
$ light-server -s . -w "**"
Open a browser:
Start FoxDot with the following code to send FoxDot osc messages --> p5js bridge --> your p5js sketch
p1 >> play("k ",amplify=0.25)
b1 >> jbass([2,6,4,8],oct=5,dur=4)
g2 >> growl([2,4,6],dur=1/6).every(3,'reverse')
p2 >> play("(e,r)vv")
Edit your FoxDot code in the FoxDot IDE and edit your P5js code in your IDE of choice and watch everything update live. This is a work in progress.