A set of utility libraries to ease OpenID Connect integration with Azure Mobile Services and Xamarin.
To use the F23.AzureMobileServices.OpenIDConnect library, add a reference to the DLL and create a new Web API controller in your project that inherits from OpenIDConnectLoginControllerBase:
public class OpenIDLoginController : OpenIDConnectLoginControllerBase
public OpenIDLoginController(IServiceTokenHandler tokenHandler)
: base(tokenHandler, AppSettings.MsMasterKey, AppSettings.IdpSiteUrl)
Where AppSettings.MsMasterKey is the master key string to your Azure Mobile Service, and AppSettings.IdpSiteUrl is the base URL of your OpenID Connect provider (i.e. Thinktecture Identity Server v3+).
Then, from your mobile app, invoke a POST to /api/OpenIDLogin with your JWT token provided by the OpenID Connect provider (after authentication), in JSON format in the body of the HTTP request:
{"jwtToken":"... your JWT token from OpenID Connect here ..."}
If successful, this will return a zumo authentication token to use with subsequent Azure Mobile Services requests to controllers that are marked with [AuthorizeLevel(AuthorizationLevel.User)]
To provide custom behavior upon successful authentication, override the UserLoginSuccessfulAsync
method. This will provide you with the user's username as well as their ClaimsIdentity
for accessing the claims passed over from the OpenID Connect provider.
This code is licensed under the MIT License. The full license information can be found in the LICENSE file. Portions derived from jmichas' unlicensed gist: https://gist.github.com/jmichas/46b37235ae2b6058a820