What's Changed
- Feature/651 Always itemize transactions when agg is below $0 by @toddlees in #289
- Feature/525: Add new schema PAC_NATIONAL_PARTY_RECOUNT_ACCOUNT by @mjtravers in #290
- Feature/498 Joint Fundraising Transfer - National Party Headquarters Buildings Account on Schedule A (Group E) by @dheitzer in #284
- Feature/303 dates by @toddlees in #291
- Feature/303 Updated dependency exception dates by @mjtravers in #292
- Feature/500 502 headquarters memos by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #299
- Feature/536 537 by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #297
- Feature/526 531 pac and party headquarters by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #300
- feature/223 handle/increase session timeout by @dheitzer in #301
- Feature/207 django 4.1 by @mjtravers in #298
- #523 Individual HQ Account by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #302
- Feature/69 Prohibit contact delete if linked transactions by @mjtravers in #296
- Feature/207 Django upgrade by @mjtravers in #305
- 527 feature/PAC National Party Pres. Nominating Convention Account by @dheitzer in #308
- Feature/535 tribal national party recount account by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #306
- Feature/532 party national party convention account by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #304
- Feature/524 individual convention account by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #303
- Feature/521 Adds the Individual National Party Recount Account receipt by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #307
- Feature/761 nightly cypress e2e tests by @dheitzer in #294
- Login dot gov fix for logout endpoint returning 403 by @dheitzer in #312
- Fix for logout 403 issues by @mjtravers in #313
- feature/522-party-national-party-recount-account by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #309
- Feature/609 Tribal National Party Headquarters Buildings Account JF Transfer Memo by @dheitzer in #314
- feature/488 Unregistered Receipt from Person by @dheitzer in #315
- Release/sprint 18 by @toddlees in #311
- Sprint 18 fixes to develop by @mjtravers in #319
- Feature/287 schedule b by @toddlees in #317
- Feature/489 unregistered receipt from person by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #318
- fixes saving child transactions by @toddlees in #324
- Updates validator commit hash by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #322
- Feature/511 pac returned receipt by @Elaine-Krauss-TCG in #321
- Feature/512 returned bounced receipt by @dheitzer in #325
- Delete .python_history by @toddlees in #328
- Release/sprint 19 by @mjtravers in #326
Full Changelog: sprint-17...sprint-19