Author: Carlos Vicens
Level: Intermediate
Technologies: Javascript, Cordova, RHMAP
Summary: A basic HTML5/ Ionic 2 Hybrid client side template with RHMAP.
Community Project: Feed Henry
Target Product: RHMAP
Product Versions: RHMAP 3.8.0+
Prerequisites: Node.js v6.10.0+, fh-js-sdk : 2.14.+, Cordova 5.0+, RHMAP instance
This template is not official and you won't find it in RHMAP Studio but is fully functional
This application is a basic Ionic v2 client side template, it should be used in combination with the HelloWorld cloud app. Refer to fhconfig.json for configuration.
To learn more about Ionic v2 please go here
Because it's not an official RHMAP template we have to do a small change to the usual process, specifically we have to create an App using the import utility within Studio instead of choosing a client app template.
Note: You need to have a RHMAP project created in order to import a Client App.
- Open your project in Studio and go to your project
- Click on the plus '+' sign on the Apps area
- Then select 'Import Existing App'
- App Type: Cordova
- App Name:
- Import From: Public Git Repository
- Git URL: this repo git url;
- Git Branch: master
- Click on 'Import & Move to Integration'
- Once at 'Integrate', click 'Next' until done.
$ git clone <your-new-app-rhmap-git-repo-url>
$ cd <your-new-app>
Before running the install command please check that node 6 is in your PATH.
$ npm install
│ └── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]
Edit fhconfig.json to include the relevant information from RHMAP. Below you can find an example:
"appid": "i2qhg7lltebtretlrchr4qww",
"appkey": "ccae35188acb74bdqounmd87642109a7c091c148",
"apptitle": "My Client App",
"connectiontag": "0.0.1",
"host": "",
"projectid": "i2qhg7ldd5g3k6i2jnbfqgpj"
You can run your all locally with ionic server
as in the following example. This command transpiles from Typescript to Javascripts and starts up an http server serving your app files and it should also opens a browser pointing to the local url.
$ ionic serve
> ionic-app-base@ ionic:serve /Users/...quickstart-ionic-v2-tabs
> ionic-app-scripts serve "--v2" "--address" "" "--port" "8100" "--livereload-port" "35729"
[09:11:46] ionic-app-scripts 1.1.4
[09:11:46] watch started ...
[09:11:58] dev server running: http://localhost:8100/
As we have explained before ionic serve
also compiles and the generated files end up in www folder. As you know www folder is usually ignored in terms of git, not this time.
Run git status
to be sure that www folder has been created.
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
As you see www is untracked (but not ignored) so please add www, commit and push your changes.
$ git add www
$ git commit -a -m "import"
[master 58b26ea] import
36 files changed, 181639 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
$ git push origin master
Writing objects: 100% (37/37), 3.27 MiB | 2.34 MiB/s, done.
Total 37 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
b035b0f..58b26ea master -> master
Go back to Studio, to your new app and check:
- Click on 'Editor' and check if www folder is included
- Check on the simulator, on the right that the app runs properly
To update the JS SDK:
- change the version in package.json
- run
npm install
This template doesn't use grunt to run the app and hence it's not possible to use grunt serve:local
instead do the following.
- run your app with
ionic serve
as explained before, pay attention to the line[09:11:58] dev server running: http://localhost:8100/
- as usual, point your browser to the suggested url
- add a 'url' parameter to the local url pointing to your local cloud app as in this sample url