FlashLayout wraps the system apis to make it easy to create or active NSLayoutContraint
pod 'FlashLayout'
Copy URL https://github.com/felix8888/FlashLayout as the Package URL
Call the addConstraints
to add and create constraints
Sample code
view.addConstraints("|[view]|", views: ["view": view])
Provde options
let views: [String: UIViiew] = [
"leftView": leftView,
"rightView": rightView,
view.addConstraints("|[leftView][rightView]|", options: [.alignAllTop, .alignAllBottom], views: views)
Same, you can add metrics
parameter, it's default to nil
This simplified all kinds of ways to generate constraints
NSLayoutConstraint.activate(views: ["c": c, "d": d, "d": d]) {
a.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: b.leftAnchor)
d.flHeight <= c.flHeight * 0.5 + 100
d.flWidth == 100
If you only want to create constraints and won't active them directly, call this func
let constraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(views: ["c": c, "d": d]) {
a.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: b.leftAnchor)
Note: FlashLayout provide some shorter names for LayoutAnchor, such as view.flWidth
is view.widthAnchor
If you don't like them, you could use the original name too
FlashLayout defines some math operators for constration creation, so the 3 lines below are same
a.flLeft == b.flCenterX + 100
a.leftAnchor == b.centerXAnchor + 100
a.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: b.centerXAnchor, constant: 100)
equal to<=
less than or equal to>=
greater than or equal to*
additional constant