An application to display Formula 1 constructor & driver standings, season schedule, qualifying & race results on a Raspberry Pi driven RGB LED matrix board.
- Constructor Standings
- Driver Standings
- Grand Prix Results
- Schedule
- Next Grand Prix Information
- Qualifying & Sprint Results
Materials needed:
- Raspberry Pi (Only tested on 3B+ and 4B, but should work on other models)
- Adafruit RGB Matrix HAT or Bonnet
- RGB LED matrix (62Γ32 or 128Γ64)
- Git
- Python 3.8+
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python3-pip -y
First, clone this repository. Using the --recursive
flag will install the rgbmatrix binaries, which come from
hzeller's rpi-rgb-led-matrix library. This library is used to render the data onto the LED matrix.
git clone --recursive
cd f1-led-leaderboard
chmod +x
From the f1-led-leaderboard
directory, run the update script. The script will also take care of updating dependencies.
Make sure the timezone on your Raspberry Pi is correct. It will often have it as London by default, but can be changed through the Raspberry Pi configuration tool.
Localisation Options > Timezone > [Your Time Zone]
sudo raspi-config
The LED matrix is configured with the flags provided by the rpi-rgb-led-matrix library. More details on these flags can be found in the library's documentation.
--led-rows Display panel rows. (Default: 32)
--led-cols Display panel columns. (Default: 64)
--led-multiplexing Multiplexing type: 0 = direct; 1 = strip; 2 = checker; 3 = spiral; 4 = Z-strip; 5 = ZnMirrorZStripe; 6 = coreman; 7 = Kaler2Scan; 8 = ZStripeUneven. (Default: 0)
--led-row-addr-type Addressing of rows: 0 = default; 1 = AB-addressed panels. (Default: 0)
--led-panel-type Chipset of the panel. Supported panel types: FM6126A; FM6127.
--led-gpio-mapping Name of GPIO mapping used: regular, adafruit-hat, adafruit-hat-pwm, compute-module. (Default: regular)
--led-slowdown-gpio Slow down writing to GPIO. Needed for faster Pi's and/or slower panels. Range: 0..4. (Default: 1)
--led-chain Number of daisy-chained boards. (Default: 1)
--led-parallel For Plus-models or RPi2: parallel chains. 1..3. (Default: 1)
--led-pixel-mapper Apply pixel mappers: Mirror (Horizontal) = "Mirror:H"; Mirror (Vertical) = "Mirror:V"; Rotate (Degrees) = eg. "Rotate: 90"; U-Mapper = "U-mapper"
--led-brightness Brightness level. Range: 1..100. (Default: 100)
--led-pwm-bits Bits used for PWM. Range 1..11. (Default: 11)
--led-show-refresh Shows the current refresh rate of the LED panel.
--led-limit-refresh Limit refresh rate to this frequency in Hz. Useful to keep a constant refresh rate on loaded system. 0=no limit. (Default: 0)
--led-scan-mode Progressive or interlaced scan. 0 = Progressive, 1 = Interlaced. (Default: 1)
--led-pwm-lsb-nanosecond Base time-unit for the on-time in the lowest significant bit in nanoseconds. (Default: 130)
--led-pwm-dither-bits Time dithering of lower bits. (Default: 0)
--led-no-hardware-pulse Don't use hardware pin-pulse generation.
--led-inverse Switch if your matrix has inverse colors on.
--led-rgb-sequence Switch if your matrix has led colors swapped. (Default: RGB)
From the f1-led-leaderboard
directory run the command
sudo python3 --led-gpio-mapping="adafruit-hat" --led-slowdown-gpio=2
Modify and include flags as needed for your particular setup. Running as root is necessary in order for the matrix to render. Privileges are dropped after initialization.
If you are experiencing issues, enable debug messages by appending the --debug
flag to your execution command, logs
are written to the f1-led-leaderboard.log
- Race Schedule
- Grand Prix Results
- Grand Prix Qualifying Results
- 128Γ64 Layout
- World Drivers' Championship Winner
- World Constructors' Championship Winner
- Customization options
- Favorite Constructor Summary
This project relies on the following:
- Jolpica API to retrieve Formula 1 data.
- rpi-rgb-led-matrix library to make everything work with the LED matrix. It is included into this repository as a submodule.
Unfortunately Jolpica API does not provide live data, though it is updated within a few hours after results are up.
This application is dependent on the Jolpica API relaying accurate and updated data.
GNU General Public License v3.0