This wrapper is still very experimental. It has been tested only on Linux. It needs a proper installation of Csound with header files in the include path in the csound directory (e.g. csound/csound.h). libcsound64 and libcsnd6 have to be in the PATH.
You can install this package with go get
go get
Or you can download a zip archive of the project using the 'Download ZIP' button on the right.
You'll get a zip file named ''. Decompressing it you'll get a directory named 'go-csperfthread-master'.
Rename this directory to 'go-csperfthread' and move it to '$GOPATH/src/github/fggp'. Enter into
the '$GOPATH/src/github/fggp/go-csperfthread' directory. You can eventually adapt the #cgo directives
in csnd.go to your system. Finally install the package with go install
This wrapper is intended to be used with a double build of Csound.
Go version 1.2 or higher is needed for the C++ support of go build