Sample DApp to illustrate how to use web3js-raw package to interact with a Smart Contract.
Install and setup Browserify
Create accounts and get ether
- Create few accounts and identify one account as the primary account (Acc: PRIMARY_ACC, Private Key:PRIMARY_ACC_PVTKEY)
- Use Ether faucet to get Ether for the PRIMARY_ACC
- Assign the PRIMARY_ACC to CONTRACT_OWNER in fund_splitter_dapp.js
- Assign the PRIMARY_ACC_PVTKEY to PVT_KEY in fund_splitter_dapp.js
Setup application from source
git clone npm install
Create an account in
- Obtain the token ans assign that to INFURAIO_TOKEN in fund_splitter_dapp.js
Bundle all Javascript so you could run this app locally from browser (withot a web server)
browserify fund_splitter_dapp.js -o main.js
Open index.html project folder
- To interact with already diployed contract
Members->Get Count => Number of members in the contract
Members->Get Member At => Return address of the member for the list index specified above
Members->Add New => Specify a new member address to add that member to list (only contract owner could do this) (increase the Members Count)
Funds->Get Count => Number of undistributed funds in the contract
Funds->Get Fund At => Return amount in Wei of the fund for the list index specified above
Funds->Add Funds => Add new funds entry to the contract (increase the Funds Count)
Disperse Funds => distribute funds eaqually to members in the list. Any remainder will be added to contract's balance