This repository is forked from Atos-Research-and-Innovation/IoTagent-LoRaWAN
The main objective is support NGSI-LD
node bin/iotagent-lora
- Update iotagent-node-lib to the latest version:
- change the default config:
ngsiVersion: 'ld',
jsonLdContext: <datamodel URL>,
- Update docker image
- Create a docker hub repository (name: iotagent-lorawan)
- Run from parent folder:
docker build -t franciscopuig/iotagent-lorawan -f docker/Dockerfile .
- Upload the docker image to Docker Hub:
docker push franciscopuig/iotagent-lorawan
- Provisioning a device
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:4041/iot/devices' \
--header 'fiware-service: rabanales' \
--header 'fiware-servicepath: /parcelaOlivar' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"devices": [
"device_id": "humidity001",
"entity_name": "urn:ngsi-ld:HumiditySensor:humidity001",
"entity_type": "HumiditySensor",
"attributes": [
"object_id": "h",
"name": "soilMoistureVwc",
"type": "Property",
"metadata": { "unitCode": {"type": "Text", "value": "5K" }}
"static_attributes": [
{"name": "refParcel", "type": "Relationship","value": "urn:ngsi-ld:AgriParcel:001"}
"internal_attributes": {
"lorawan": {
"application_server": {
"host": "",
"username": <app_id>,
"password": <ttn access key>,
"provider": "TTN"
"app_eui": <app_eui>,
"application_id": <app_id>,
"application_key": <app_key>,
"data_model": "application_server"
"protocol": "LORAJSON"
- TheThingsNetwork Payload:
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
switch(port) {
case 1:
return {soilMoistureVwc: 22}