🌳 constantly growing. I'm an 18 year old mechatronics engineer, founder, and Yale University student double-majoring in Mechanical Engineering and EECS ('28). I'm currently building and doing research in biomedical, aerospace, and neurotech spaces. Stay tuned :).
Scroll down for my contact info! Shoot me a DM or email at any time, I love to chat and meet new people!
- building in stealth (cardiac-tech)... hang tight!
A bit more about me...
- 🛠 built diush, an open-source mobile platform acting as a secure funnel for easily selling items to your friends and network.
- 🧪 previously ceo @ zyndicate.app, the all-in-one platform to organize your life.
- 🚁 Won 2nd Place in the Senior Open Category in World Robot Olympiad in 2021 (Built an autonomous drone delivery system - learn more here.)
- 🎧 Prev platform eng @ joinaviato.com.
- 📟 creator and lead maintainer @ Performant Commits, a sleeker, more performant way of writing better, more efficient, and understandable commit messages.
- ❄️ TS, React, & GraphQL evangelist (now Flutter and Dart as well!)
- 🧮 obsessed with understanding and implementing the complex Math, formulas, and algorithms behind machine/deep learning
- 🎓 computer science TA
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything 🤣
- most recently C, Golang, Calculus, and Linear Algebra
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other devs and content creators on cool projects!
- 🥅 2025 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects and run an amazing online hackathon
- 🏀 basketball enthusiast
✈️ avgeek- 🤓 startup and productivity nerd
- ⚡ fun fact: I love learning languages (🇮🇹🇪🇸🇺🇸🇫🇷🇧🇬...)
- specialized in:
- Full-Stack web development: TypeScript, React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and other related aspects of development in production-grade environments
- mobile development with flutter & dart
- expert in a variety of frontend frameworks/libraries: React, NextJS, styled-components, ExpressJS, etc.
- production-grade experience with GraphQL, Apollo, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc. + their respective Full-Stack integrations in both React and Flutter
- python experience with AI/Machine Learning, Django, and TensorFlow
- cs & linear algebra specialist
- experimenting with systems architecture/engineering in Rust and C++.
- knowledgeable in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, and Go (Golang)
- technologies and DevOps systems such as Firebase, AWS, GCP, etc.
- docker, Kubernetes, and containerized environments
- mechatronics engineering
- mechanical engineering (EV3 robotics, DJI drones, biomedical devices, etc.)
- electrical engineering (circuits, Arduino, breadboards, DJI drone integration, etc.)
✉️ email | [email protected]
🐦 twitter | @FilippoFonseca
💬 discord | filippofonseca#9999
🎧 spotify | Deep Focus Lo-Fi Playlist
📸 instagram | @filippo_fonseca