Added missing Dict functions to the SDK
Full Changelog: v0.8.2...v0.8.3
New Map Functions
Build Functions
singleton - Create a dictionary with one key-value pair.
update - Update the value of a dictionary for a specific key with a given function.
remove - Remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. If the key is not found, no changes are made.
Query Functions
keys - Get all of the keys in a dictionary into a list
values - Get all of the values in a dictionary into a list
Transform Functions
map - Apply a function to all values in a dictionary.
foldl - Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary from lowest key to highest key.
foldr - Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary from highest key to lowest key.
filter - Keep only the key-value pairs that pass the given test.
partition - Partition a dictionary according to some test. The first dictionary contains all key-value pairs which passed the test, and the second contains the pairs that did not.
Combine Functions
union - Combine two dictionaries. If there is a collision, preference is given to the first dictionary.
intersect - Keep a key-value pair when its key appears in the second dictionary. Preference is given to values in the first dictionary.
diff - Keep a key-value pair when its key does not appear in the second dictionary.