Releases: fireflycons/aws-toolbox
Linux PSGallery deployment
- Support PowerShell Core/Linux
- Invoke-ATSSMShellScript Run shell commands on Linux instances via SSM
- Get-ATEBInstanceLogs Now supports Linux environments
New command added
If your organisation uses federated authentication (SAML etc) for API authentication with AWS,
this cmdlet enables you to get a set of temporary keys for use with applications that do not
understand/support this authentication method.
New commands added
- Download Elastic Beanstalk logs from environment instances using SSM - Currently only Windows instances supported, but this will change!Set-ATSSMWindowsAdminUser
- Set up an admin user on Windows instances using SSM.
Minor enhancements
Added new switch -UseS3 to Invoke-ATSSMPowerShellScript to enable passing of command output > 2000 bytes through S3.
Re-release due to failed publish
v0.5-alpha bump module version
minor bug fixes
- Give it a defualt paramter set
- Fix output of errors
New commands added
- Run PowerShell on hosts using SSM AWS-RunPowerShellScript.
Small improvements to Get-ATEBEnvironmentResourceList
New commands added
- Gets a list of Elastic Beanstalk resources
- Checks a CloudFormation stack, checking drift and comparing a local template with that last deployed.
Initial release to publish
Got a great deal in here, no real unit tests, just getting it published so I can use it