- Run
- Run
rails dev:prime
After starting the server, you can visit localhost:3000/teacher or localhost:3000/student to backdoor login as a teacher/student without launching from an LMS (e.g. Canvas).
You can also launch into Checkins from firstdraft's demo Canvas course from the below assignments. You can sign in with [email protected] as a student or your own credentials as a teacher (if Raghu has invited you to the course). Contact Raghu or Logan if you need the demolearner11 password. Please do not edit the assignments.
Demo Canvas assignments:
If you'd like to test launching into a review app from Canvas, a new course app must be added and configured then a new assignment using that app must be created.
- From the course page, click on Settings in the left-hand pane.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click "View App Configurations"
- Click "+ App" button
- From Configuration Type dropdown, select By URL.
- Enter a name for the App (e.g. firstdraft Checkins review app 34)
- Enter credentials (default credentials are "key" and "secret")
- Enter Config URL (e.g. https://checkins-staging-pr-34.herokuapp.com/config.xml)
- Click Submit
- From the course page, click on Assignments in the left-hand pane.
- Click the "+ Assignment" button
- Fill in the Assignment Name (e.g. Checkins Review App 34)
- Fill in points (10 is a good value)
- In the Submission Type pane, select External Tool from the dropdown
- Click the Find button without entering any text
- Select the Checkins app you'd like to launch
- Check Load This Tool In A New Tab
- Click Save & Publish