Fluent package for Laravel 5.5+
composer require fivesqrd/fluent-laravel
For Laravel 5.5 and later a facade and service provider will be auto-discovered and you should be set to go:
#Send a test message
php artisan fluent:test [email protected]
Using it in the app:
/* Using the facade to build and send notifications on the fly */
Route::get('/notification/send/{address}', function ($address) {
$messageId = resolve('Fluent')->message()->create()
->title('My Laravel Message')
->paragraph('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.')
->subject('Testing from Laravel')
return "Message has been sent - {$messageId}";
You can further customise your setup by adding the following values to your .env file:
FLUENT_NAME=default from name
[email protected]