A Laravel 5 service provider for the AWS DynamoDB session handler.
NOTE: In the Laravel 5.8 release notes it was announced that DynamoDB session drivers are now baked into the framework itself. As a reault, this package should not be required for Laravel v5.8 and above.
composer require fivesqrd/jam-laravel
.env requirements
For production environments it's important to use the AWS Management Console to create the table. This is to ensure the correct billing and throughput settings are applied. The only requirement is that the table has a partition key of 'id'. For garbage collection you can set your TTL attribute to 'expires'
For local DynamoDB servers and dev environments the following artisan command is available:
php artisan make:jam
Allowing the session handler access to the table requires the following IAM permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:<region>:<account-id>:table/<table-name>"