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Releases: fivetran/dbt_zuora_source

v0.2.2 dbt_zuora_source

27 Feb 19:26
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This release includes the following updates:

Bug Fixes

  • Leveraged the {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }} macro within the staging models for all timestamp fields. (#17)
    • This is needed as certain Redshift warehouses sync these fields as timestamp with time zone fields by default, causing compilation errors in downstream models in the dbt_zuora package. This macro appropriately removes timezone values from the UTC timestamps and ensures successful compilations of these models.
Models Field updates cast as timestamp
stg_zuora__account created_date, last_invoice_date, tax_exempt_effective_date, tax_exempt_expiration_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__amendment created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__contact created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__credit_balance_adjustment cancelled_on, created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__invoice_item charge_date, created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__invoice_payment created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__invoice created_date, last_email_sent_date, posted_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__order created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__payment_method created_date, last_failed_sale_transaction_date, last_transaction_date_time, updated_date
stg_zuora__payment cancelled_on, created_date, settled_on, submitted_on, updated_date
stg_zuora__product_rate_plan_charge created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__product_rate_plan created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__product created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__rate_plan created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__rate_plan_charge created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__refund_invoice_payment created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__refund cancelled_on, created_date, refund_transaction_time, settled_on, submitted_on, updated_date
stg_zuora__subscription cancelled_date, contract_acceptance_date, contract_effective_date, created_date, original_created_date, service_activation_date, term_end_date, term_start_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__taxation_item created_date, exchange_rate_date, tax_date, updated_date


  • Corrected references to connectors and connections in the README. (#16)
  • Moved badges at top of the README below the H1 header to be consistent with popular README formats. (#17)

Under the Hood

  • Updated to remove duplicative Buildkite script.

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2

v0.2.2-a1 dbt_zuora_source

12 Feb 21:37
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This pre-release introduces the following updates:

Bug Fixes

  • Leveraged the {{ dbt.type_timestamp() }} macro within the staging models for all timestamp fields. (#17)
    • This is needed as certain Redshift warehouses sync these fields as timestamp with time zone fields by default, causing compilation errors in downstream models in the dbt_zuora package. This macro appropriately removes timezone values from the UTC timestamps and ensures successful compilations of these models.
Models Field updates cast as timestamp
stg_zuora__account created_date, last_invoice_date, tax_exempt_effective_date, tax_exempt_expiration_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__amendment created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__contact created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__credit_balance_adjustment cancelled_on, created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__invoice_item charge_date, created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__invoice_payment created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__invoice created_date, last_email_sent_date, posted_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__order created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__payment_method created_date, last_failed_sale_transaction_date, last_transaction_date_time, updated_date
stg_zuora__payment cancelled_on, created_date, settled_on, submitted_on, updated_date
stg_zuora__product_rate_plan_charge created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__product_rate_plan created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__product created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__rate_plan created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__rate_plan_charge created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__refund_invoice_payment created_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__refund cancelled_on, created_date, refund_transaction_time, settled_on, submitted_on, updated_date
stg_zuora__subscription cancelled_date, contract_acceptance_date, contract_effective_date, created_date, original_created_date, service_activation_date, term_end_date, term_start_date, updated_date
stg_zuora__taxation_item created_date, exchange_rate_date, tax_date, updated_date


  • Corrected references to connectors and connections in the README. (#16)
  • Moved badges at top of the README below the H1 header to be consistent with popular README formats. (#17)

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2-a1

v0.2.1 dbt_zuora_source

27 Nov 18:49
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PR #11 includes the following update:

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Updated default column macros to remove columns not used in their associated staging models. This prevents conflicts when bringing in this columns via the passthrough functionality.

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1

v0.2.0 dbt_zuora_source

21 Aug 21:45
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PR #9 includes the following update:

🚨 Breaking Change 🚨

  • Updated model configuration in dbt_project.yml to correctly reflect project configuration name as zuora_source. This is a breaking change because customers may unexpectedly see errors if they changed their materialization settings on any of their models.

🔧 Under The Hood 🔩

  • Updated seed files in integration_tests to match those in dbt_zuora for the v0.2.0 release.

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.2.0

v0.1.2 dbt_zuora_source

04 Aug 15:02
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PR #6 includes the following updates:

Bug Fixes

  • Included a where clause within all staging models to filter out _fivetran_deleted records.
  • Added a conditional config within the src_zuora.yml to properly handle the order (reserved word) source table when using Snowflake as a destination.


  • Added a call out in the identifier configuration section of the README to provide instructions for Snowflake users to handle the order source table if their destination has case sensitivity enabled.

Under the Hood

  • Added the _fivetran_deleted field to all get_*_columns macros to ensure the field may be leveraged in the respective staging models.


v0.1.1 dbt_zuora_source

27 Apr 16:28
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Bug Fixes

  • Included model disable logic within the stg_zuora__credit_balance_adjustment_tmp and stg_zuora__refund_invoice_payment_tmp models in order to ensure they are not run if the appropriate variables are set to false.

Documentation Update

  • Adjustment within the README to classify the package is no longer in development post v0.1.0 release.

Under the Hood

  • Updated script that is utilized in the integration tests of this package to ensure rollouts are successful prior to release.
  • Updated the pull request templates.

dbt_zuora_source v0.1.0

26 Apr 19:42
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🎉 New dbt Zuora Source Package! 🎉

Happy National Pretzel Day! 🥨 We have an exciting twist for all package lovers out there. Check out the new Zuora source package!

This package is designed to enrich your Fivetran Zuora data by doing the following:

  • Cleans, tests, and prepares your Zuora data from Fivetran's connector for analysis.
  • Add descriptions to tables and columns that are synced using Fivetran.
  • Add freshness tests to source data.
  • Add column-level testing where applicable. For example, all primary keys are tested for uniqueness and non-null values.
  • Model staging tables which leverage data in the format described here, which can then be used simultaneously with our Zuora modeling transformation package.
  • Currently the package supports Postgres, Redshift, BigQuery, Databricks, and Snowflake. Additionally, this package is designed to work with dbt versions [">=1.3.0", "<2.0.0"].

For more information refer to the README.

Submit any feedback you have here in our survey, post in our Fivetran dbt communitywith questions you might have, or email us at [email protected] if you need any additional help!