Implementations of some useful crypto utils using the windows CNG API.
- msbuild
$ ./build.bat [/md5] [/sh1] [/sh2] [/b64] [/aes] [/hash] [/all] [/r] [/d] [/dp <flag>] [/b 32|64] [/rtl] [/pdb] [/pts <platformToolSet>] [/h]
AES encryption & decryption tool using CBC mode. Encrypts or decrypts an user input string, bytes or file. The result is written to file and/or printed to the cmd.
Last changed: 01.06.2023
$ ./build.bat /aes
$ aes [/d|/e] [/ia|/iu|/ib|/if <value>] [/of <path>] [/pwa|/pwu|/pwb] [/iva|/ivu|/ivb] [/p*] [/v]
- /d: Decode aes cypher into plain bytes.
- /e: Encode bytes into aes cypher.
- /pwa: Ascii password string of which the sha256 hash will be calculated and used as the secret.
- /pwu: Unicode (utf-16) password string of which the sha256 will be calculated and used as the secret.
- /pwb: 0x20 hex bytes used directly as the secret.
- If no password is given, a random one will be generated. This obviously only works while encoding.
Initial vector:
- /iva: Ascii initial vector string of which the md5 hash will be calculated and used as the iv.
- /ivu: Unicode (utf-16) initial vector string of which the md5 hash will be calculated and used as the iv.
- /ivb: 0x10 hex bytes used directly as the iv.
- If no initial vector is given, a random one will be generated. This obviously only works while encoding.
- /ib: Input bytes as hex string. If set it's the source of /e or /d.
- /ia: Input ascii string. If set it's the source of /e.
- /iu: Input unicode string. If set it's the source of /e.
- /if: Path to a file. If set it's the source of /e or /d.
- /of: Path to a file. If set the result of /e or /d will be written to it.
- /p*: Print result of /e or /d even if /of is set.
- /pa: Print as ascii string.
- /pb: Print in plain bytes (default).
- /pc8: Print in cols of Address | bytes | ascii chars.
- /pc16: Print in cols of Address | words | utf-16 chars.
- /pc32: Print in cols of Address | dwords.
- /pc64: Print in cols of Address | qwords.
- /v: More verbose
- /h: Print this
# encrypt a/file into a/nother/file with random password and initial vector
$ aes /e /if a/file /of a/nother/file
# encrypt a/file into a/nother/file with given password and initial vector
$ aes /e /if a/file /of a/nother/file /pwa secret /iva initial
# decrypt a/file into a/nother/file with given password and initial vector
$ aes /d /if a/file /of a/nother/file /pwa secret /iva initial
# decrypt a/file and print result to console
$ aes /d /if a/file /pwa secret /iva initial
# encrypt ascii string "bla" with random password and initial vector and print result to the console
$ aes /e /ia bla
# encrypt input bytes 102030 with random pw and iv and print result as col 8 print
$ aes /e /ib 102030 /pc8
# decrypt input bytes, print result as col 8 and write it to file
$ aes /d /ib 3e9a37c7e2450d4fe0a806142da1dddc /pc8 /of %tmp%\file.txt /pwa bla /iva blub
Base64 converter tool. Converts an user input string, bytes or file. The result is written to file and/or printed to the cmd.
Last changed: 25.05.2023
$ ./build.bat /b64
$ base64 [/d] [/e] [/ib <bytes>] [/is <string>] [/if <path>] [/of <path>] [/p*] [/h]
- /d: Decode base64 string into bytes.
- /e: Encode bytes into base64 string.
- /ib: Input bytes as hex string. If set it's the source of /e or /d.
- /is: Input string. If set it's the source of /e or /d.
- /if: Path to a file. If set it's the source of /e or /d.
- /cr: Insert line feeds (LF / 0x0A) into encoded string.
- /crlf: Insert carriage return/line feed (CR LF / 0x0D 0x0A) into encoded string.
- /of: Path to a file. If set the result of /e or /d will be written to it.
- /p*: Print result of /e or /d even if /of is set.
- /pa: Print as ascii string (default).
- /pb: Print in plain bytes.
- /pc8: Print in cols of Address | bytes | ascii chars.
- /pc16: Print in cols of Address | words | utf-16 chars.
- /pc32: Print in cols of Address | dwords.
- /pc64: Print in cols of Address | qwords.
- /h: Print this
# encode a/file into a/nother/file
$ base64 /e -if a/file -of a/nother/file
# decode a/file into a/nother/file
$ base64 /d -if a/file -of a/nother/file
# decode a/file and print result to console
$ base64 /d -if a/file
# encode ascii string "bla" and print result to the console
$ base64 /e -is bla
# encode input bytes 102030 and print result as col 8 print
$ base64 -e -ib 102030 -pc8
# decode input bytes 45434177, print result as bytes and write it to a/nother/file
$ base64 -d -ib 45434177 -pb -of %tmp%\file.txt
Calculates the hash sum of files or files in folders. The hash sum will be md5, sha128 or sha256 depending on the executed binary.
Last changed: 13.02.2024
$ ./build.bat /md5 # builds md5.exe
$ ./build.bat /sh1 # builds sha1.exe
$ ./build.bat /sh2 # builds sha256.exe
$ md5 [/h] [/r] [/c] <path>...
$ sha1 [/h] [/r] [/c] <path>...
$ sha256 [/h] [/r] [/c] <path>...
- /r Do recursive folder walks.
- /c Compare path1 with path2 or path1 with a sha256 value.
- /h Print help.
- path: One or more pathes to files or dirs for hash calculation
sha256 Examples
# calculate sha256 of two files
$ sha256 a/file a/nother/file
# calculate sha256 of all files in a dir
$ sha256 a/dir/
# compare sha256 of file1 with file2
$ sha256 /c file1 file2
# compare sha256 of file1 with a sha256 value
$ sha256 /c file1 0011223344...
Use md5
or sha1
for the other hash types.
- Henning Braun ([email protected])