Making a motion triggered camera shot with ESP32-CAM and publishing it to the flespi MQTT broker.
Wi-Fi hotspot access credentials:
const char* ssid = "YOUR_WIFI_SSID";
const char* password = "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD";
MQTT broker credentials:
const char* mqtt_server = "";
const int mqtt_port = 1883;
const char* mqtt_user = "YOUR_FLESPI_TOKEN"; // replace with your own flespi token
const char* mqtt_password = "";
Specify the topic to which the shots will be published:
const char* mqtt_TopicName = "esp32/photo_1";
If you want a motion-triggered mode, change the value in the following line to 0:
#define SLEEP_DELAY 60000 // Delay for 60 Sec, 0 sec - PIR sensor mode