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💫 This repository is intended for GEITE01X - COM231 - Professor Katherine L. Calunod

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Subject & Section: GEITE01X - COM231 

Professor: Katherine L. Calunod  

No. of Units: 3 Units

Prerequisite: None

🧠 Overview

This repository contains resources and projects related to the subject "GEITE01X LIVING IN THE I.T. ERA" in computer science. This course explores the impact of information technology on modern society, including the benefits and challenges of living in a digital age.

📋 Table of Contents

🛸 Introduction

Welcome to the "GEITE01X - Living in the I.T Era" repository! This collection of code and resources is dedicated to the educational exploration of Living in the I.T Era.

This course offers a comprehensive introduction to information technology (IT), emphasizing its significant influence in modern society. Students will delve into core information technology concepts, including the various types of hardware, software, and networking systems.

Additionally, the course will explore the ethical, social, and legal challenges posed by information technology, equipping students with the knowledge to effectively engage with the digital world.

💻 Lesson

Course Outline / Course Content

1 Orientation on National University VMGs, Core Values, GAINs and Class Policies
2 CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO6 Use the various roles of information technology in addressing real world problems CHAPTER 1: SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) 1.1.A. Overview of ICT: ICT Overview, Understanding IT and its role in modern society, Definition of IT and ICT History Exploration, Group Discussion, & Video Watching PowerPoint slides, Completed Worksheet & Group Presentation
3-4 CO1, CO4, CO6, CO8, CO9, CO10, CO11 Apply the concepts of web and internet to real-life situations SECTION 2: THE WEB AND THE INTERNET 1.2.A. The Web: Major Protocol Accessible on the Web, Anatomy of URL, Types of Browsers, How to use web browser Lecture, Discussion/Demonstration, Small Group Exercises Small group sharing of ideas and experience, Worksheets, PowerPoint Slides, Resource
5 CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO7, CO8, CO9 Apply various current trends to make sound decisions and make recommendations of real-life phenomena CHAPTER 2: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL CHANGE 2.A. Current Trends: Hyper automation, Mult experience, Democratization, Human Augmentation, Data Policing, Machine Learning, Robotic Process, Block Chain, Voice Search, Analytics Guided Discussion & Group Exercises, Small-group Case Study Worksheets, PowerPoint Slides, Resource, Sample Cases
6-7 CO1-CO9 Midterm Examination
8-12 CO3, CO8, CO10, CO11 Use the concepts of artificial intelligence in one’s life CHAPTER 3: PRACTICAL IT SKILLS 4A. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Introduction to AI, Core Concepts of AI, Applications of AI Lecture, Discussion/Demonstration, Computer Simulation of Procedures Quiz, Group Vlog Project/Group Programming Project
13.5 CO1-CO11 Finals Week

👷 Usage

The course "Living in the I.T. Era" is a broad and versatile topic that can be applied to various aspects of life, education, and career development

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of information technology concepts, principles, and practices;
  • Analyze and apply information technology theories to solve realworld problems;
  • Demonstrate 21st century skills in the application of information technology to various endeavors;
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards the use and impact of information technology in the modern society;
  • Appreciate the ethical considerations and societal implications of technology;
  • Share learned insights and appreciation on information technology in everyday life;
  • Show increased awareness and responsibility in digital interactions;
  • Acquire practical skills in utilizing various information technology tools and platforms;
  • Demonstrate proficiency in handling software and hardware;
  • Perform tasks effectively and efficiently with peers;
  • Perform tasks requiring both precision and efficiency, enhancing technical capabilities.

🚀 Key Features

  • Understand the evolution of information technology and its impact on society
  • Analyze the benefits and challenges of living in a digital age
  • Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the ethical implications of IT on individuals and society
  • Explore the role of IT in shaping the future of work, education, and communication

💫 Repository Contents

This repository contains the following resources:

🏆 Contributing

coming soon...

🔑 License

coming soon...

National University of Manila License   

The National University of Manila License grants permission to students of the National University of Manila to use, modify, and distribute this project for educational purposes within the scope of their coursework and assignments.


  • You may use this project as a reference or learning material for your studies at the National University of Manila.
  • You may modify the project to suit your educational needs and requirements.
  • You may share the project with your fellow students or instructors for educational purposes.


  • You may not use this project for commercial purposes.
  • You may not redistribute or publish this project outside the National University of Manila without explicit permission.


This project is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied. The National University of Manila and the project contributors disclaim any liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of the use or misuse of this project.


✨ Professor TBA 

Professor Jensen background profile coming soon...

📫 Changelogs

## [8.1.5] - 2024-08- [05-09]      
### Added  
- ✨ Added Course Content
- ✨ Create Github repo for GEITE01X
- ✨ Add Activity number 1

### Changed
- ✨ Changes in Usage 

### Fixed 
- ✨ Fix and update changelogs

## [8.2.3] - 2024-08- [13-16]      
### Added  
- ✨ Added Course Content for the 2nd Week
- ✨ Added PDF topic for today August 13
- ✨ Added Activity Quiz and Quiz recap 60/100

## [8.2.3] - 2024-08-[26-30]      
### Added  
- ✨ Added Course Content for the 3rd Week
- ✨ Added PDF topic for today August 30

## [9.0.1] - 2024-09-[09-13]      
### Added  
- ✨ Added PETA 2 for ITE

## [10.0.1] - 2024-10-[08-11]      
### Added  
- ✨ Added PETA 3 fir ITE

## [10.0.1] - 2024-10-[15-18]      
### Added  
- ✨ Submitted PETA 3 for ITE

🧊 Living in the I.T Era





💫 This repository is intended for GEITE01X - COM231 - Professor Katherine L. Calunod







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