Gotaseries is a Go client for Betaseries API.
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
betaseries := gotaseries.NewClient("YOUR_API_KEY")
// You can set locale for each request globally instead of passing it to each params
betaseries.Locale = gotaseries.LocaleEN
// If request need authentication, you must set your token
betaseries.Token = "YOUR_TOKEN"
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
show, err := betaseries.Shows.Display(ctx, gotaseries.ShowsDisplayParams{
ID: gotaseries.Int(1161),
Locale: gotaseries.Locale(gotaseries.LocaleFR),
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", show)
date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", "2024-04-03")
shows, err := betaseries.Shows.List(context.Background(), gotaseries.ShowsListParams{
Order: gotaseries.Order(gotaseries.OrderPopularity),
Since: gotaseries.Time(date),
if err != nil {
for _, s := range shows {
- Returns badge details (GET /badges/badge)
- Display collection's data (GET /collections/collection)
- Delete a collection from the identified user [Premium feature] (DELETE /collections/collection) - Token
- Create/Update a collection for the identified user [Premium feature] (POST /collections/collection) - Token
- Display the list of all collections of the member (GET /collections/list) - Token or ID parameter
- Get comments (GET /comments/comments)
- Retrieve a given comment (GET /comments/comment)
- Create or edit a comment for the specified item (POST /comments/comment) - Token
- Delete a comment from the identified user (DELETE /comments/comment) - Token
- Retrieve the replies of a given comment (GET /comments/replies)
- Create a comment for an event (POST /comments/comment_event) - Token
- Subscribe the member to email notifications for the given item (POST /comments/subscription) - Token
- Unsubscribe the member from email notifications for the given item (DELETE /comments/subscription) - Token
- Add a vote for the user for the given comment (POST /comments/thumb) - Token
- Remove the user's vote for the given comment (DELETE /comments/thumb) - Token
- Retrieve the status of comments on the given item (closed or open) (GET /comments/status)
- Rate an episode (POST /episodes/note) - Token
- Remove a rating (DELETE /episodes/note) - Token
- Retrieve the list of episodes to watch. (GET /episodes/list) - Token
- Mark an episode as downloaded (POST /episodes/downloaded) - Token
- Remove the downloaded mark (DELETE /episodes/downloaded) - Token
- Mark an episode as watched (POST /episodes/watched) - Token
- Unmark an episode as watched (DELETE /episodes/watched) - Token
- Display information of an episode (GET /episodes/display)
- Retrieve episode information (GET /episodes/scraper) - Token
- Retrieve episode information (GET /episodes/search) - Token
- Retrieve the latest aired episode (GET /episodes/latest) - Token
- Retrieve the next episode (GET /episodes/next) - Token
- Mark an episode as not to watch (POST /episodes/hidden) - Token
- Remove an episode from the hidden list (DELETE /episodes/hidden) - Token
- Retrieve the list of watched and unrated episodes (GET /episodes/unrated) - Token
- Retrieves friends List (GET /friends/list) - Token or ID parameter
- Retrieves sent requests (GET /friends/sent) - Token
- Adds a friend (POST /friends/friend) - Token
- Removes a friend (DELETE /friends/friend) - Token
- Blocks a user (POST /friends/block) - Token
- Unblocks a user (DELETE /friends/block) - Token
- Deletes filter (DELETE /profile-filters/filter) - Token
- Retrieves member options (GET /members/options) - Token
- Standard member authentication (POST /members/auth)
- OAuth Authentication (POST /members/oauth)
- OAuth2 Access Token (POST /members/access_token)
- Returns member information (GET /members/infos)
- Returns available usernames (GET /members/username)
- Modifies user option (POST /members/option) - Token
- Checks token activity (GET /members/is_active) - Token
- Destroys active token (DELETE /members/destroy) - Token
- Displays member badges (GET /members/badges)
- Displays latest notifications (GET /members/notifications) - Token
- Deletes a notification (DELETE /members/notification) - Token
- Creates new member account (POST /members/signup)
- Member search (GET /members/search)
- Searches members among friends (GET /members/sync) - Token
- Password reset email (POST /members/lost)
- Uploads and replaces user avatar (POST /members/avatar) - Token
- Deletes user avatar (DELETE /members/avatar) - Token
- Uploads user banner (POST /members/banner) - Token
- Remove the banner (DELETE /members/banner) - Token
- Change the locale (POST /members/locale) - Token
- Retrieve the email address (GET /members/email) - Token
- Change the email address (POST /members/email) - Token
- Change the password (POST /members/password) - Token
- Returns yearly member statistics (GET /members/year)
- Initiates account deletion process (POST /members/delete) - Token
- Retrieve the member's inbox (GET /messages/inbox) - Token
- Retrieve a discussion (GET /messages/discussion) - Token
- Mark a message as read (POST /messages/read) - Token
- Delete a message (DELETE /messages/message) - Token
- Send a message (POST /messages/message) - Token
- Show movie details (GET /movies/movie)
- Add or update a movie (POST /movies/movie) - Token
- Remove a movie (DELETE /movies/movie) - Token
- Display the list of all movies (GET /movies/list)
- Display all movies of a member (GET /movies/member) - Token or ID parameter
- Display a random movie (GET /movies/random)
- Search for a movie (GET /movies/search)
- Retrieve movie information (GET /movies/scraper) - Token
- Display all available genres (GET /movies/genres)
- Rate a movie (POST /movies/note) - Token
- Remove a movie rating (DELETE /movies/note) - Token
- Retrieve similar movies (GET /movies/similars)
- Retrieve the cast of the movie. (GET /movies/characters)
- Retrieve favorite movies (GET /movies/favorites) - Token or ID parameter
- Add a favorite movie (POST /movies/favorite) - Token
- Remove a favorite movie (DELETE /movies/favorite) - Token
- Display upcoming movies (GET /movies/upcoming)
- Display movies to discover (GET /movies/discover)
- Display blog articles about the movie (GET /movies/articles)
- Display the latest news (GET /news/last)
- Retrieve an access token with the code provided by OAuth 2 authentication (POST /oauth2/access_token)
- Retrieve a code to present to the user for identification on a remote device (e.g., Television) (POST /oauth2/device)
- Display details of the actor (GET /persons/person)
- Display news articles (GET /persons/articles)
- Return a picture of the member (GET /pictures/picture)
- Return a picture of the episode (GET /pictures/episodes)
- Return a picture of the show (GET /pictures/shows)
- Return an image of the badge (32x32) (GET /pictures/badges)
- Return an image of the character (GET /pictures/characters)
- Return an image of the person (GET /pictures/persons)
- Return an image of the movie (GET /pictures/movies)
- Return an image of the show's season (GET /pictures/seasons)
- Return an image of the SVOD or VOD platform (GET /pictures/platforms)
- Display all episodes broadcasted (GET /planning/general)
- Display the schedule (GET /planning/member) - Token or ID parameter
- Display only the first episode of the upcoming series (GET /planning/incoming)
- Display the SVOD and VOD platforms available in the country (GET /platforms/list)
- Display the different services a user can have (GET /platforms/services) - Token or ID parameter
- Add the service to the user's subscriptions (POST /platforms/service) - Token
- Remove the service from the user's subscriptions (DELETE /platforms/service) - Token
- Display the latest active poll (GET /polls/last)
- Display the details of a poll (GET /polls/poll)
- Display the latest active poll (GET /polls/target)
- Display all polls (GET /polls/list)
- Send a response to a poll (POST /polls/answer)
- Create a report for the element (POST /reports/report) - Token
- Request an update for the element (POST /reports/update) - Token
- Return search results for all types of elements. (GET /search/all)
- Return series search results with advanced filters. (GET /search/shows)
- Return movie search results with advanced filters. (GET /search/movies)
- Mark all episodes of a season as watched (POST /seasons/watched) - Token
- Remove all episodes of a season from watched (DELETE /seasons/watched) - Token
- Mark all episodes of a season as hidden (POST /seasons/hide) - Token
- Remove all episodes of a season from hidden (DELETE /seasons/hide) - Token
- Rate a season (POST /seasons/note) - Token
- Remove a rating from a season (DELETE /seasons/note) - Token
- Rate a series (POST /shows/note) - Token
- Delete a series rating (DELETE /shows/note) - Token
- Search for a series, with member information if a token is provided (GET shows/search)
- Display information about a series (GET /shows/display)
- Display the list of all series (GET /shows/list)
- Display a random series (GET /shows/random)
- Display episodes of a series (GET /shows/episodes)
- Add a series to the member's account (POST /shows/show) - Token
- Remove a series from the member's account (DELETE /shows/show) - Token
- Archive a series in the member's account (POST /shows/archive) - Token
- Remove a series from the archives of the member's account (DELETE /shows/archive) - Token
- Create a series recommendation from a member to a friend (POST /shows/recommendation) - Token
- Delete a sent or received series recommendation (DELETE /shows/recommendation) - Token
- Change the status of a received series recommendation (PUT /shows/recommendation) - Token
- Retrieve recommendations received by the identified user (GET /shows/recommendation) - Token
- Retrieve series marked as similar (GET /shows/similars)
- Retrieve videos associated with the series (GET /shows/videos)
- Retrieve characters of the series (GET /shows/characters)
- Retrieve images of the series (GET /shows/pictures)
- Retrieve the favorite series of the member (GET /shows/favorites) - Token or ID parameter
- Add a favorite series to the profile of the identified member (POST /shows/favorite) - Token
- Remove a favorite series from the profile of the identified member (DELETE /shows/favorite) - Token
- Update tags for the given series of the identified member (POST /shows/tags) - Token
- Display the list of all series of the member with tags (GET /shows/member) - Token or ID parameter
- Display the list of series to discover (GET /shows/discover)
- Display the list of series to discover on major SVoD platforms (GET /shows/discover_platforms)
- Display the list of available series genres (GET /shows/genres)
- Display the seasons of the series (GET /shows/seasons)
- Display blog articles that talk about the series (GET /shows/articles)
- Retrieve the list of finished and unrated series (GET /shows/unrated) - Token
- Display the latest subtitles retrieved by BetaSeries (GET /subtitles/last)
- Display subtitles for a given show (GET /subtitles/show)
- Display subtitles for a given episode (GET /subtitles/episode)
- Display subtitles for a season or all seasons (GET /subtitles/season)
- Reports subtitles as incorrect to be removed from the list. (POST /subtitles/report) - Token
- Display all tags created by the connected member (GET /tags/list) - Token
- Add a tag (or several) for the show (or movie) for the connected member (POST /tags/show) - Token
- Remove a tag for the show (or movie) for the connected member (DELETE /tags/show) - Token
- Display the latest events on the site (GET /timeline/home)
- Display the latest events of the friends of the identified member (GET /timeline/feed) - Token
- Display the latest events of the friends of the identified member (GET /timeline/friends) - Token
- Display the latest events of the specified member (GET /timeline/member)
- Display a particular event (GET /timeline/event)
- Display the latest events of the connected member about the specified show (GET /timeline/show) - Token