Create and deploy winget and chocolatey (win32) apps to Intune with one click!
To install just download the whole repository and execute the "INSTALL_Intune-Win32-Deployer.ps1" in the root folder. This will copy the program files to your local Appdata and creates a shortcut in the start menu. (no Desktop icon, cause I don't like those).
In addition the installer asks you if you want to install winget and chocolatey (as an admin).
An overview and some how-to's I put together on my blog: The "Intune Win32 Deployer"
- Create Intunewin for winget applications
- Create Intunewin for Chocolatey applications
- Deploy winget via Intune (as system)
- Deploy Chocolatey via Intune
- Transform programs from the Windows Package Manager into an intunewin
- Transform programs from Chocolatey into an intunewin
- Create Win32 applications upload to Intune
- Maintaining an inventory list within the application
- Install winget (optional)
- Install Chocolatey (optional)
- Current Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool download
added in 1.2
- Create AAD group per win32 app (install and uninstall)
- Define AAD group prefix
- Create Proactive Remediation package per app to update how it works