Openframeworks addon C++
Addon to use easily the DJ Shield for Arduino by Nootropic Design
Specification of the DJ Shield for Arduino :
- 5 tactile buttons, connected to digital pins 2-6
- 3 10K linear potentiometers connected to analog pins 0,1,2. (shaft is 1/4")
- 2 LEDs (one red, one blue) connected to analog pins 4 and 5 (analog pins can also be used as digital pins)
- 3 ABS plastic or aluminium knobs for the potentiometers.
- Compatible with the Arduino Uno, Duemilanove, Mega or Leonardo
Credits for the addon :
Code for Arduino from examples/communication/firmataExample
Code for DjShield : Nicolas Boillot
Webpage for the addon :
Get an Arduino Uno, Duemilanove, Mega or Leonardo
Upload StandardFirmata on the arduino :
Open Arduino app (preferably Arduino 1.0) and navigate to File -> Examples -> Firmata and open StandardFirmata. Compile and upload StandardFirmata for your board, then close the Arduino application and run the application.
Get a DJ Shield for Arduino :
Add to your code :
in ofApp.h add :
#include "ofxArduinoDjShield.h"
and after "public:" :
ofxArduinoDjShield DjShield;
bool ArduinoUSB; // if Arduino connected to USB port
string deviceInit;
=== in ofApp.c add :
- in setup() { }
vector <ofSerialDeviceInfo> devices = (ofSerial()).getDeviceList();
for(auto & device : devices){
if(device.getDeviceID() == 0){
deviceInit = device.getDeviceName();
// Here the list of 4 USB Port of the computer, change them in case..
// replace the string below with the serial port for your Arduino board
// you can get this from the Arduino application or via command line
// for OSX, in your terminal type "ls /dev/tty.*" to get a list of serial devices
string ArduinoPort01 = "tty.usbmodem1411";
string ArduinoPort02 = "tty.usbmodem1d11421";
string ArduinoPort03 = "tty.usbmodem1421";
string ArduinoPort04 = "tty.usbmodem1431";
if((deviceInit == ArduinoPort01) || (deviceInit == ArduinoPort02) || (deviceInit == ArduinoPort03) || (deviceInit == ArduinoPort04)){
ArduinoUSB = true;
ArduinoUSB = false;
DjShield.setup("/dev/" + deviceInit);
- in update() {}
// then use :
bool DjShield.bSetupArduino // if arduino ready
// Potentiometers A0-A2
float DjShield.PotA0(); // native, from 0 to 1
float DjShield.PotA1(TRUE, 0,255); // rescale from 0 to 255
float DjShield.PotA2(TRUE, 3, 10); // rescale from 3 to 10
// Buttons D2-D6
bool DjShield.ButtonD2();
bool DjShield.ButtonD3();
bool DjShield.ButtonD4();
bool DjShield.ButtonD5(0.5); // 0.5 s delay before next hit
bool DjShield.ButtonD6();
// LED A4-A5
See examples for more details.
See release for OSC Bridge app :