Openframeworks addon C++
Draw visually a grid, the golden ratio, the third ratio and center relative to your width and height.
Webpage :
Credit : Nicolas Boillot
=== in ofApp.h add :
#include "ofxShowGrid.h"
Then in draw() of ofApp.cpp add :
To show Grid relative to your width and height, define sizeW and sizeH to define each cell size.
ShowGrid(int widthG, int heightG, int sizeW, int sizeH, int decalX, int decalY);
To show Golden ratio relative to your width and height.
ShowGoldenRatio(int widthG, int heightG, int decalX, int decalY);
To show Center relative to your width and height.
ShowCenter(int widthG, int heightG, int decalX, int decalY);
To show Third Ratio relative to your width and height.
ShowThirdRatio(int widthG, int heightG, int decalX, int decalY);
int decalX, int decalY are optionals, see the example for complete usage.