Live without fear. Selling platform of future for customers and business owners.
Shop GitHub repo: flurium/spentoday-shop Api GitHub repo: flurium/spentoday-api
Spelling: spen + to + day (do it as italian)
Technical requirements!: docs/tech-requirements
Clone the repository:
git clone
Get inside of folder:
cd spentoday
Use dev branch:
git checkout dev
From install dependencies:
npm install
Set environment variable on your machine, so it works with local backend. Not in .env file, but in machine settings.
Setup .env file for:
Start development server:
npm run dev
Run next command to watch for code changes and generate types when changes appear:
npm run check:watch
For text:
- text-header - for headers
- text-main - for main text
- text-input - for secondary text
<h3 class="text-text-header">Соціальні мережі</h3>
<p class="text-text-input">
Соціальні посилання для вашого бізнесу, які часто використовуються в нижньому
колонтитулі теми
- Svelte Docs for ui.
- SvelteKit Docs for loading data, server-side renderin, routing.