The following project is meant for managing tasks by breaking projects down into specific goals.
1. Java 1.8
2. Maven 3.8.0
3. Spring Boot Parent 2.2.6.RELEASE
4. Spring Boot Security 2.2.6.RELEASE
1. Spring Boot Data JPA 2.2.6.RELEASE
2. Spring Boot Web 2.2.6.RELEASE
3. Postgresql
4. Hibernate 5.3.0.Final
5. Javax servlet 3.1.0
6. Javax servlet jsp-api 2.3.1
7. Jstl 1.2
### Command for Application Building:
mvn clean install
### Command for Application Running:
#### Admin page example
The list of all projects is available for admins only.
![Image admin](src/main/resources/img/Admin_example.png)
Users' list is available for admin access only.
![Image admin_all_users](src/main/resources/img/All_User_example.png)
#### User page example
![Image user](src/main/resources/img/User_example.png)