The easiest way of hosting professional web sites, and keeping them up-to-date!
PragmaCMS is aimed to be a lightweight alternative to mainstream PHP CMS/blogging platforms like Drupal/Joomla/Wordpress. Instead of very complex scenarios, when you need only a simple CMS system to serve static pages using a nice template.
See it live at;
PragmaCMS is a Netbeans project. All dependencies are included. Just open with Netbeans and click build. You can deploy it to Tomcat/Jetty or other servlet containers. You need to specify pragmacms.home parameter as VM options. (e.g. -Dpragmacms.home=/path/to/PragmaCMS). This PragmaCMS folder contains database configuration and folders to store templates, etc. You can get this folder from here:
Create a blank database in PostgreSQL and update the at conf folder with the db credentials. The app will populate schema on first load.
Contact me if you have any questions.