Here is the repository to download the latest Emotiv SDK for Insight, along with code examples and other development tools.
If you have questions or have knowledge to share, please visit our forum which is the hub for our developer community.
We are currently preparing a stable SDK for release and updating the repository with more examples. Please check out the insight-beta-release branch for latest changes.
At the moment we have:
- Insight SDK for Win32/Mac
- EmoComposer for Win32/Mac
Coming soon:
- Insight SDK for Android
- Insight SDK for iOS
- Insight SDK for Ubuntu
- Insight SDK for Win64
Insight with Bluetooth SMART (Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Low Energy) connection currently works with the SDK under:
- Windows 8 or above
- Mac OS X 10.10 or above (check if Bluetooth LMP Version is 0x6 from System Report)
- Android 4.4 or above
Insight with Emotiv Universal USB Receiver currently works with the SDK under:
- Windows 7 or above
- Mac OS X 10.8
- Android 4.3 or above
- IS_PerformanceMetricGetStressScore, IS_PerformanceMetricGetStressModelParams may return zero on Windows and Mac.
The API reference can be found here:
If you are looking for Emotiv Control Panel, we have now made a browser version - CPanel.
For BTLE connection
For USB dongle connection
Warning: the CPanel site is under beta testing, so please be patient...
Please join the Emotiv Beta community to get access to the Insight Consumer App beta for Android test program.
Please check out the topic Insight on Emotiv Help Centre:
Our knowledge base is a good source for further reading:
Please also visit our forum for bug reports and feature requests.
Happy coding!
The Emotiv Team