Copyright (C) 2021-2022 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
This is a shared library/framework for edge APIs for spring way modules. This module is a port of edge-common, and main goal is feature parity with that framework. From a hosting/SysOps perspective, edge modules developed with this framework should be indistinguishable from those developed using edge-common.
The intent of edge-common-spring is to simplify the implementation of edge APIs by providing much of the boilerplate code shared among these APIs.
All spring way edge modules, that will use this library, should add it as a dependency. After that, all requests that will call the edge module will go through the request filter from the library. As a result, outgoing request will contain x-okapi-token in the header, and the edge module will be able to invoke folio modules.
By default, filter will make authorization and receive the x-okapi-token header only if the requested URL does not start with: /admin/health, admin/info, /swagger-resources, /v2/api-docs, /swagger-ui, /_/tenant. The array of endpoints that need to be excluded can be overriden, for example: -Dheader.edge.validation.exclude="/firstRequiredEndpointToExclude, /secondRequiredEndpointToExclude".
See project EDGCMNSPR at the FOLIO issue tracker.
Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at