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Integrate a direct single record import via OCLC Connexion


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Copyright (C) 2021-2022 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.


edge-connexion is a FOLIO module for importing records to a FOLIO instance via OCLC Connexion

This module is based on edge-common.

All the system properties mentioned here are relevant with the exception of api_key_sources.

This module starts a listener on the port port (8081 default) that serves OCLC Connexion requests as well as basic HTTP to honor a GET on /admin/health, so that productions systems can check for liveness of this service.

A OCLC Connexion request can hold 4 pieces

  • User
  • Local User
  • Password
  • MARC record

Only "Local User" and "MARC record" is used by edge-connexion.

The form of the identity is controlled by the configuration login_strategy. Two values are supported:

  • key: "Local user" of the OCLC Connexion request is an API key. Presumably this API key that was originally created with edge-common's API key utility. In this mode the secret store of edge-common is used to determine the password. This is the default - if login_strategy is omitted.

  • full: "Local user" consists of 3 tokens - tenant, user and password - separated by white space.

Whether using the key configuration with an institutional user as documented in the edge-common library, or using the full configuration with a standard FOLIO user, the user must have the copycat.all permission. In addition, due to an issue in mod-source-record-manager (MODSOURMAN-432), the user must have a personal property with at least a lastName.

The edge-connexion module uses the copycat-imports interface for MARC record importing. It always uses the OCLC WorldCat copycat profile.

Testing and running

Figure out tenant, user and password to use.

Generate a key with something like:

java -jar ../edge-common/target/edge-common-api-key-utils.jar -g -t diku -u diku_admin

Set up password in Now run edge-connexion with

java -Dokapi_url=http://localhost:9130 -Dport=8081 \ \
  -jar target/edge-connexion-fat.jar

You can import a test record with a test client that is bundled with the edge-connection fat jar. It takes 4 arguments: host, port, key and filename. Here, filename is supposedly a MARC record. A sample record is found in src/test/resources. Example of running the client against the edge-connexion server on port 8081:

java -cp target/edge-connexion-fat.jar org.folio.edge.connexion.Client \
  localhost 8081 ey.. src/test/resources/manden.marc

You an also hack you way with netcat:

java -jar ../edge-common/target/edge-common-api-key-utils.jar \
  -g -t diku -u diku_admin >key
echo -n "A`wc -c <key`" >req
cat key src/test/resources/manden.marc >>req
nc -w5 localhost 8081 <req

Besides the Connexion protocol, the module also supports HTTP GET on /admin/health. This is useful, if you want ot check that it's alive. Example:

curl http://localhost:8081/admin/health


Configuration information is specified in two forms:

  1. System Properties - General configuration
  2. Properties File - Configuration specific to the desired secure store

System Properties

Property Default Description
port 8081 Server port to listen on
okapi_url required Where to find Okapi (URL)
secure_store Ephemeral Type of secure store to use. Valid: Ephemeral, AwsSsm, Vault
secure_store_props NA Path to a properties file specifying secure store configuration
token_cache_ttl_ms 3600000 How long to cache JWTs, in milliseconds (ms)
null_token_cache_ttl_ms 30000 How long to cache login failure (null JWTs), in milliseconds (ms)
token_cache_capacity 100 Max token cache size
log_level INFO Log4j Log Level
request_timeout_ms 30000 Request Timeout
api_key_sources PARAM,HEADER,PATH Defines the sources (order of precendence) of the API key.

Env variables for TLS configuration for Http server

To configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the HTTP server in an edge module, the following configuration parameters should be used. Parameters marked as Required are required only in case when TLS for the server should be enabled.

Property Default Description
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_TYPE NA (Required). Set the type of the keystore. Common types include JKS, PKCS12, and BCFKS
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_LOCATION NA (Required). Set the location of the keystore file in the local file system
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD NA (Required). Set the password for the keystore
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEY_ALIAS NA Set the alias of the key within the keystore.
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEY_PASSWORD NA Optional param that points to a password of KEY_ALIAS if it protected

Env variables for TLS configuration for Web Client

To configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Web clients in the edge module, you can use the following configuration parameters. Truststore parameters for configuring Web clients are optional even when FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED = true. If truststore parameters need to be populated, FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORETYPE, FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPATH and FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD are required.

Property Default Description
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled for Vertx Http Server
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORETYPE NA Set the type of the keystore. Common types include JKS, PKCS12, and BCFKS
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPATH NA Set the location of the keystore file in the local file system
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD NA Set the password for the keystore

Additional information

There will be a single instance of okapi client per OkapiClientFactory and per tenant, which means that this client should never be closed or else there will be runtime errors. To enforce this behaviour, method close() has been removed from OkapiClient class.

Other FOLIO Developer documentation is at

Issue tracker

See project EDGCONX at the FOLIO issue tracker.


See the template ModuleDescriptor-template.json for the interfaces that this module requires and provides, the permissions, and the additional module metadata.

This module does not include a launch descriptor as it is an edge module.

Code analysis

SonarQube analysis.

Download and configuration

The built artifacts for this module are available. See configuration for repository access.