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Erm 3446, Agreements: Basket should use the agreements look-up compon… #158

Erm 3446, Agreements: Basket should use the agreements look-up compon…

Erm 3446, Agreements: Basket should use the agreements look-up compon… #158

GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results succeeded Feb 4, 2025 in 0s

All 1 061 tests pass in 4m 12s

    1 files  ± 0    157 suites  +1   4m 12s ⏱️ +14s
1 061 tests +13  1 061 ✅ +13  0 💤 ±0  0 ❌ ±0 
1 068 runs  +13  1 068 ✅ +13  0 💤 ±0  0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit ae86745. ± Comparison against earlier commit 0779611.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

1061 tests found (test 1 to 433)

There are 1061 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 433.
Raw output
AcquisitionOptions clicking a row should invoke the onEResourceClick handler ‑ AcquisitionOptions clicking a row should invoke the onEResourceClick handler
AcquisitionOptions renders an Accordion ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders an Accordion
AcquisitionOptions renders expected acquisition method in each row ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders expected acquisition method in each row
AcquisitionOptions renders expected column count ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders expected column count
AcquisitionOptions renders expected columns ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders expected columns
AcquisitionOptions renders expected data source value in each row ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders expected data source value in each row
AcquisitionOptions renders expected row count ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders expected row count
AcquisitionOptions renders the MCL ‑ AcquisitionOptions renders the MCL
AddToBasketButton clicking the add button clicking the remove button invokes the callback with expected value ‑ AddToBasketButton clicking the add button clicking the remove button invokes the callback with expected value
AddToBasketButton clicking the add button invokes the callback with expected value ‑ AddToBasketButton clicking the add button invokes the callback with expected value
AddToBasketButton clicking the add button renders remove button label ‑ AddToBasketButton clicking the add button renders remove button label
AddToBasketButton renders add To Basket button ‑ AddToBasketButton renders add To Basket button
Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking delete cancelling confirmation modal confirmation modal no longer renders ‑ Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking delete cancelling confirmation modal confirmation modal no longer renders
Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking delete renders the confirmation modal ‑ Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking delete renders the confirmation modal
Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking duplicate modal renders the Duplicate modal ‑ Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking duplicate modal renders the Duplicate modal
Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking export agreement (JSON) correct callback is triggered ‑ Agreement after loading opening actions menu clicking export agreement (JSON) correct callback is triggered
Agreement after loading renders the AllPeriods component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the AllPeriods component
Agreement after loading renders the ControllingLicense component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the ControllingLicense component
Agreement after loading renders the CustomPropertiesView component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the CustomPropertiesView component
Agreement after loading renders the ExternalLicenses component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the ExternalLicenses component
Agreement after loading renders the FutureLicenses component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the FutureLicenses component
Agreement after loading renders the Header component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the Header component
Agreement after loading renders the HistoricalLicenses component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the HistoricalLicenses component
Agreement after loading renders the Info component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the Info component
Agreement after loading renders the InternalContacts component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the InternalContacts component
Agreement after loading renders the Lines component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the Lines component
Agreement after loading renders the Organizations component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the Organizations component
Agreement after loading renders the RelatedAgreements component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the RelatedAgreements component
Agreement after loading renders the SupplementaryDocs component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the SupplementaryDocs component
Agreement after loading renders the Terms component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the Terms component
Agreement after loading renders the UsageData component ‑ Agreement after loading renders the UsageData component
Agreement isLoading renders the LoadingPane component ‑ Agreement isLoading renders the LoadingPane component
Agreement lines renders expected children passed to the component ‑ Agreement lines renders expected children passed to the component
Agreement lines renders expected columns ‑ Agreement lines renders expected columns
Agreement lines renders the AgreementLine Filters ‑ Agreement lines renders the AgreementLine Filters
Agreement lines renders the expcted number of MCL columns ‑ Agreement lines renders the expcted number of MCL columns
Agreement lines renders the expcted number of MCL rows ‑ Agreement lines renders the expcted number of MCL rows
Agreement lines renders the expected Agreement lines Pane ‑ Agreement lines renders the expected Agreement lines Pane
Agreement lines renders the expected Agreements/Agreement lines buttons ‑ Agreement lines renders the expected Agreements/Agreement lines buttons
Agreement lines renders the expected Search and Filter Pane ‑ Agreement lines renders the expected Search and Filter Pane
Agreement lines renders the expected Search and Reset all Button ‑ Agreement lines renders the expected Search and Reset all Button
Agreement lines renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text ‑ Agreement lines renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text
Agreement lines triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook ‑ Agreement lines triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook
AgreementContentFilter renders the And/Or dropdown ‑ AgreementContentFilter renders the And/Or dropdown
AgreementContentFilter renders the Content field ‑ AgreementContentFilter renders the Content field
AgreementContentFilter renders the Has/Has not field ‑ AgreementContentFilter renders the Has/Has not field
AgreementCreateRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView ‑ AgreementCreateRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView
AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions calls the BasketLineButton ‑ AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions calls the BasketLineButton
AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions calls the CloseButton ‑ AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions calls the CloseButton
AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the BasketLineButton component ‑ AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the BasketLineButton component
AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreementForm component ‑ AgreementCreateRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreementForm component
AgreementCreateRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ AgreementCreateRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
AgreementEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView ‑ AgreementEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView
AgreementEditRoute rendering the route with permissions calls the CloseButton ‑ AgreementEditRoute rendering the route with permissions calls the CloseButton
AgreementEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreementForm component ‑ AgreementEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreementForm component
AgreementEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ AgreementEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
AgreementFilters clicking the active checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the active checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the audio checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the audio checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the books checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the books checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the closed checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the closed checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the database checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the database checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the definitely-cancel checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the definitely-cancel checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the definitely-renew checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the definitely-renew checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the draft checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the draft checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the for-review checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the for-review checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the in-negotiation checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the in-negotiation checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the journals checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the journals checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the no checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the no checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the requested checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the requested checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the video checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the video checkbox
AgreementFilters clicking the yes checkbox ‑ AgreementFilters clicking the yes checkbox
AgreementFilters renders the Agreement content Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Agreement content Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Content type Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Content type Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the CustomPropertiesFilter component ‑ AgreementFilters renders the CustomPropertiesFilter component
AgreementFilters renders the Internal contact role Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Internal contact role Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Internal contacts Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Internal contacts Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Is perpetual Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Is perpetual Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Organization role Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Organization role Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the OrganizationSelection component ‑ AgreementFilters renders the OrganizationSelection component
AgreementFilters renders the Organizations Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Organizations Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Reason for closure Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Reason for closure Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Renewal priority Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Renewal priority Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Status Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Status Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Supplementary documents Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Supplementary documents Accordion
AgreementFilters renders the Tags Accordion ‑ AgreementFilters renders the Tags Accordion
AgreementFilters renders three DateFilter components ‑ AgreementFilters renders three DateFilter components
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormInfo component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormInfo component
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormInternalContacts component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormInternalContacts component
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormLicenses component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormLicenses component
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormOrganizations component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormOrganizations component
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormRelatedAgreements component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormRelatedAgreements component
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormSupplementaryDocuments component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormSupplementaryDocuments component
AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormUsageData component ‑ AgreementForm with initial values renders the FormUsageData component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormInfo component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormInfo component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormInternalContacts component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormInternalContacts component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormLicenses component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormLicenses component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormOrganizations component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormOrganizations component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormRelatedAgreements component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormRelatedAgreements component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormSupplementaryDocuments component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormSupplementaryDocuments component
AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormUsageData component ‑ AgreementForm with no initial values renders the FormUsageData component
AgreementLine after loading renders the Confirmation modal and clicking the delete/cancel button triggers expected callbacks ‑ AgreementLine after loading renders the Confirmation modal and clicking the delete/cancel button triggers expected callbacks
AgreementLine after loading renders the Coverage component ‑ AgreementLine after loading renders the Coverage component
AgreementLine after loading renders the DiscoverySettings component ‑ AgreementLine after loading renders the DiscoverySettings component
AgreementLine after loading renders the Documents component ‑ AgreementLine after loading renders the Documents component
AgreementLine after loading renders the Info component ‑ AgreementLine after loading renders the Info component
AgreementLine after loading renders the POLines component ‑ AgreementLine after loading renders the POLines component
AgreementLine after loading triggers the onEdit callback on clicking the edit button from the actions dropdown ‑ AgreementLine after loading triggers the onEdit callback on clicking the edit button from the actions dropdown
AgreementLine isLoading renders the LoadingPane component ‑ AgreementLine isLoading renders the LoadingPane component
AgreementLineCreateRoute rendering the route renders the CloseButton  ‑ AgreementLineCreateRoute rendering the route renders the CloseButton 
AgreementLineCreateRoute rendering the route renders the agreementLineForm component ‑ AgreementLineCreateRoute rendering the route renders the agreementLineForm component
AgreementLineCreateRoute rendering the route triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ AgreementLineCreateRoute rendering the route triggers the CloseButton callback
AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreement lines renders the CloseButton  ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreement lines renders the CloseButton 
AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreement lines renders the agreementLineForm component ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreement lines renders the agreementLineForm component
AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreement lines triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreement lines triggers the CloseButton callback
AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the CloseButton  ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the CloseButton 
AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the agreementLineForm component ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the agreementLineForm component
AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreements triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute rendering the route from agreements triggers the CloseButton callback
AgreementLineEditRoute renders loading view renders loadingView ‑ AgreementLineEditRoute renders loading view renders loadingView
AgreementLineField renders expected component renders the BasketSelector component ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected component renders the BasketSelector component
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with detached resource renders description keyValue ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with detached resource renders description keyValue
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with detached resource renders expected fields ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with detached resource renders expected fields
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with initial values set date validation fires for invalid end date ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with initial values set date validation fires for invalid end date
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with initial values set renders expected fields ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values with initial values set renders expected fields
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values without initial values renders expected values ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values without initial values renders expected values
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values without initial values renders the CoverageFieldArray component ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values without initial values renders the CoverageFieldArray component
AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values without initial values renders the POLinesFieldArray component ‑ AgreementLineField renders expected fields/values without initial values renders the POLinesFieldArray component
AgreementLineFilters clicking the detached checkbox ‑ AgreementLineFilters clicking the detached checkbox
AgreementLineFilters clicking the external checkbox ‑ AgreementLineFilters clicking the external checkbox
AgreementLineFilters clicking the internal checkbox ‑ AgreementLineFilters clicking the internal checkbox
AgreementLineFilters renders the Agreement Accordion ‑ AgreementLineFilters renders the Agreement Accordion
AgreementLineFilters renders the Documents Accordion ‑ AgreementLineFilters renders the Documents Accordion
AgreementLineFilters renders the PoLine Accordion ‑ AgreementLineFilters renders the PoLine Accordion
AgreementLineFilters renders the Tags Accordion ‑ AgreementLineFilters renders the Tags Accordion
AgreementLineFilters renders the Type Accordion ‑ AgreementLineFilters renders the Type Accordion
AgreementLineFilters renders two DateFilter components ‑ AgreementLineFilters renders two DateFilter components
AgreementLineForm renders the FormCoverage component ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the FormCoverage component
AgreementLineForm renders the FormDocuments component ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the FormDocuments component
AgreementLineForm renders the FormEresource component ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the FormEresource component
AgreementLineForm renders the FormInfo component ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the FormInfo component
AgreementLineForm renders the FormPOLines component ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the FormPOLines component
AgreementLineForm renders the create another Checkbox as checked ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the create another Checkbox as checked
AgreementLineForm renders the create another Checkbox ‑ AgreementLineForm renders the create another Checkbox
AgreementLineForm with no initial values renders the FormEresource component ‑ AgreementLineForm with no initial values renders the FormEresource component
AgreementLineForm with no initial values renders the FormInfo component ‑ AgreementLineForm with no initial values renders the FormInfo component
AgreementLineForm with no initial values renders the FormPOLines component ‑ AgreementLineForm with no initial values renders the FormPOLines component
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines renders the AgreementLine component ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines renders the AgreementLine component
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines renders the CloseButton  ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines renders the CloseButton 
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines triggers the CloseButton callback
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines triggers the EditButton callback ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreementLines triggers the EditButton callback
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the AgreementLine component ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the AgreementLine component
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the CloseButton  ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements renders the CloseButton 
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements triggers the CloseButton callback
AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements triggers the EditButton callback ‑ AgreementLineViewRoute rendering the route from agreements triggers the EditButton callback
AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected ‑ AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected
AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values renders empty field message ‑ AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values renders empty field message
AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values renders empty field ‑ AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values renders empty field
AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values renders the add agreement line button ‑ AgreementLinesFieldArray with empty initial values renders the add agreement line button
AgreementLinesFieldArray with initial values set renders the AgreementLineField component ‑ AgreementLinesFieldArray with initial values set renders the AgreementLineField component
AgreementLinesFieldArray with initial values set renders the submit button ‑ AgreementLinesFieldArray with initial values set renders the submit button
AgreementLinesRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreementLines component ‑ AgreementLinesRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreementLines component
AgreementPeriodField initial values set date validation fires for invalid end date ‑ AgreementPeriodField initial values set date validation fires for invalid end date
AgreementPeriodField initial values set renders expected values ‑ AgreementPeriodField initial values set renders expected values
AgreementPeriodField no initial values set expected fields exist ‑ AgreementPeriodField no initial values set expected fields exist
AgreementPeriodsFieldArray add period/delete period buttons work as expected ‑ AgreementPeriodsFieldArray add period/delete period buttons work as expected
AgreementPeriodsFieldArray expected values are submitted ‑ AgreementPeriodsFieldArray expected values are submitted
AgreementPeriodsFieldArray multiple agreement periods render as expected ‑ AgreementPeriodsFieldArray multiple agreement periods render as expected
AgreementPeriodsFieldArray overlapping period warning works as expected ‑ AgreementPeriodsFieldArray overlapping period warning works as expected
AgreementPeriodsFieldArray renders expected fields ‑ AgreementPeriodsFieldArray renders expected fields
AgreementSearchButton renders the button as disabled when the disabled prop is true ‑ AgreementSearchButton renders the button as disabled when the disabled prop is true
AgreementSearchButton renders the fallback message when no plugin is available ‑ AgreementSearchButton renders the fallback message when no plugin is available
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute re-rendering the route renders the Agreements component ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute re-rendering the route renders the Agreements component
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute renders the Agreement component ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute renders the Agreement component
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute renders the AgreementLineButton ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute renders the AgreementLineButton
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the AgreementLineButton callback ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the AgreementLineButton callback
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the CloneButton callback ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the CloneButton callback
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback
AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback ‑ AgreementViewRoute rendering the AgreementViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback
Agreements render related entitlement renders related entitlements MCL ‑ Agreements render related entitlement renders related entitlements MCL
Agreements renders an Accordion ‑ Agreements renders an Accordion
Agreements renders expected agreement in each row ‑ Agreements renders expected agreement in each row
Agreements renders expected children passed to the component ‑ Agreements renders expected children passed to the component
Agreements renders expected column count ‑ Agreements renders expected column count
Agreements renders expected columns ‑ Agreements renders expected columns
Agreements renders expected row count ‑ Agreements renders expected row count
Agreements renders the Actions button ‑ Agreements renders the Actions button
Agreements renders the Agreement Filters ‑ Agreements renders the Agreement Filters
Agreements renders the MCL ‑ Agreements renders the MCL
Agreements renders the expcted number of MCL columns ‑ Agreements renders the expcted number of MCL columns
Agreements renders the expcted number of MCL rows ‑ Agreements renders the expcted number of MCL rows
Agreements renders the expected Agreements Pane ‑ Agreements renders the expected Agreements Pane
Agreements renders the expected Agreements/Agreement lines buttons ‑ Agreements renders the expected Agreements/Agreement lines buttons
Agreements renders the expected Search and Filter Pane ‑ Agreements renders the expected Search and Filter Pane
Agreements renders the expected Search and Reset all Button ‑ Agreements renders the expected Search and Reset all Button
Agreements renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text ‑ Agreements renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text
Agreements triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook ‑ Agreements triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook
AgreementsRoute rendering the route with permissions did not redirect to view pane ‑ AgreementsRoute rendering the route with permissions did not redirect to view pane
AgreementsRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreements component ‑ AgreementsRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the agreements component
AgreementsRoute rendering the route with single agreement redirected to view pane ‑ AgreementsRoute rendering the route with single agreement redirected to view pane
AgreementsRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ AgreementsRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders an Accordion ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders an Accordion
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected cancellation deadline date in each row ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected cancellation deadline date in each row
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected column count ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected column count
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected columns ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected columns
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected period end date in each row ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected period end date in each row
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected period note in each row ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected period note in each row
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected period start date in each row ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected period start date in each row
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected row count ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders expected row count
AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders the MCL ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with 2 periods renders the MCL
AllPeriods Agreement with a single period does not render an Accordion ‑ AllPeriods Agreement with a single period does not render an Accordion
AmendmentsFieldArray rendered with a license with rejected status and future amendment selecting a status of current renders a conflict warning message ‑ AmendmentsFieldArray rendered with a license with rejected status and future amendment selecting a status of current renders a conflict warning message
AmendmentsFieldArray with empty initial values renders empty field ‑ AmendmentsFieldArray with empty initial values renders empty field
AmendmentsFieldArray with initial values set renders expected number of fields ‑ AmendmentsFieldArray with initial values set renders expected number of fields
AmendmentsFieldArray with initial values set renders expected values ‑ AmendmentsFieldArray with initial values set renders expected values
AmendmentsFieldArray with initial values set select a status of current renders expected status of current ‑ AmendmentsFieldArray with initial values set select a status of current renders expected status of current
Basket testing with e-resource Selecting agreement should open the modal ‑ Basket testing with e-resource Selecting agreement should open the modal
Basket testing with e-resource calling the onClose handler calls the onClose handler when the close button is clicked ‑ Basket testing with e-resource calling the onClose handler calls the onClose handler when the close button is clicked
Basket testing with e-resource clicking on the create new agreement button clicking the create new agreement button opens the agreementModal ‑ Basket testing with e-resource clicking on the create new agreement button clicking the create new agreement button opens the agreementModal
Basket testing with e-resource clicking on the create new agreement button triggers create agreement logic on button click ‑ Basket testing with e-resource clicking on the create new agreement button triggers create agreement logic on button click
Basket testing with e-resource renders the AgreementModal component ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the AgreementModal component
Basket testing with e-resource renders the AgreementSearchButton component ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the AgreementSearchButton component
Basket testing with e-resource renders the BasketList component ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the BasketList component
Basket testing with e-resource renders the close basket button ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the close basket button
Basket testing with e-resource renders the expected Pane title ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the expected Pane title
Basket testing with e-resource renders the expected message banner text ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the expected message banner text
Basket testing with e-resource renders the record count in the pane sub ‑ Basket testing with e-resource renders the record count in the pane sub
Basket testing with e-resource the Create New Agreement button is enabled ‑ Basket testing with e-resource the Create New Agreement button is enabled
Basket testing without e-resource Selecting agreement should open the modal ‑ Basket testing without e-resource Selecting agreement should open the modal
Basket testing without e-resource renders the AgreementModal component ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the AgreementModal component
Basket testing without e-resource renders the AgreementSearchButton component ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the AgreementSearchButton component
Basket testing without e-resource renders the BasketList component ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the BasketList component
Basket testing without e-resource renders the close basket button ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the close basket button
Basket testing without e-resource renders the expected Pane title ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the expected Pane title
Basket testing without e-resource renders the expected message banner text ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the expected message banner text
Basket testing without e-resource renders the record count in the pane sub ‑ Basket testing without e-resource renders the record count in the pane sub
Basket testing without e-resource the Create New Agreement button is disabled ‑ Basket testing without e-resource the Create New Agreement button is disabled
BasketList renders add To Basket button ‑ BasketList renders add To Basket button
BasketRoute rendering the basket route calls the CloseButton ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route calls the CloseButton
BasketRoute rendering the basket route calls the RemoveBasketItemButton ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route calls the RemoveBasketItemButton
BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the AddToExistingAgreementButton component ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the AddToExistingAgreementButton component
BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the AddToNewAgreementButton component ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the AddToNewAgreementButton component
BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the Basket component ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the Basket component
BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the CloseButton component ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the CloseButton component
BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the RemoveBasketItemButton component ‑ BasketRoute rendering the basket route renders the RemoveBasketItemButton component
BasketSelector clicking add To Basket button ‑ BasketSelector clicking add To Basket button
BasketSelector renders add To Basket button ‑ BasketSelector renders add To Basket button
ContentTypesFieldArray adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected ‑ ContentTypesFieldArray adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected
ContentTypesFieldArray renders headline ‑ ContentTypesFieldArray renders headline
ContentTypesFieldArray renders the Add content type button ‑ ContentTypesFieldArray renders the Add content type button
ControllingLicense renders the Controlling license card component ‑ ControllingLicense renders the Controlling license card component
ControllingLicense renders the Controlling licenses Accordion ‑ ControllingLicense renders the Controlling licenses Accordion
ControllingLicense renders the LicenseAmendmentList list ‑ ControllingLicense renders the LicenseAmendmentList list
ControllingLicense renders the LicenseCard component ‑ ControllingLicense renders the LicenseCard component
ControllingLicense renders the expected license name in the card header ‑ ControllingLicense renders the expected license name in the card header
ControllingLicense renders the expected note ‑ ControllingLicense renders the expected note
Coverage renders SerialCoverage component when passed as a line ‑ Coverage renders SerialCoverage component when passed as a line
Coverage renders SerialCoverage component when passed as a pci ‑ Coverage renders SerialCoverage component when passed as a pci
Coverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed as a line with an _object ‑ Coverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed as a line with an _object
Coverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed as a pci ‑ Coverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed as a pci
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders Coverage Accordion ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders Coverage Accordion
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected column count ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected column count
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected columns ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected columns
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage end date in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage end date in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage end issue in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage end issue in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage end volume in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage end volume in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage start date in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage start date in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage start issue in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage start issue in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage start volume in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage start volume in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage type in the row  ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders expected coverage type in the row 
Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders the expected embargo value ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type custom  renders the expected embargo value
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders Coverage Accordion ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders Coverage Accordion
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected column count ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected column count
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected columns ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected columns
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage end date in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage end date in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage end issue in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage end issue in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage end volume in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage end volume in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage start date in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage start date in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage start issue in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage start issue in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage start volume in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage start volume in the row
Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage type in the row ‑ Coverage renders with coverage type default renders expected coverage type in the row
CoverageField date validation fires for invalid end date ‑ CoverageField date validation fires for invalid end date
CoverageField expected values are submitted ‑ CoverageField expected values are submitted
CoverageField renders expected fields ‑ CoverageField renders expected fields
CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages Submitting the form expected values are submitted ‑ CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages Submitting the form expected values are submitted
CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages multiple coverages render as expected ‑ CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages multiple coverages render as expected
CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages multiple open ended coverages warning works as expected ‑ CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages multiple open ended coverages warning works as expected
CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages overlapping coverages warning works as expected ‑ CoverageFieldArray Multiple coverages overlapping coverages warning works as expected
CoverageFieldArray Single coverage expect a single rendered edit card ‑ CoverageFieldArray Single coverage expect a single rendered edit card
CoverageFieldArray Single coverage expect add and remove coverage buttons to exist ‑ CoverageFieldArray Single coverage expect add and remove coverage buttons to exist
CoverageFieldArray Single coverage expect tooltip to exist on remove button ‑ CoverageFieldArray Single coverage expect tooltip to exist on remove button
CoverageFieldArray Single coverage removing a coverage adding a coverage card expect a single rendered edit card again ‑ CoverageFieldArray Single coverage removing a coverage adding a coverage card expect a single rendered edit card again
CoverageFieldArray Single coverage removing a coverage expect no rendered edit cards ‑ CoverageFieldArray Single coverage removing a coverage expect no rendered edit cards
CoverageFieldArray Single coverage renders expected fields ‑ CoverageFieldArray Single coverage renders expected fields
CoveredEResourcesList All filter button clicking the All button onFilterEResources callback called ‑ CoveredEResourcesList All filter button clicking the All button onFilterEResources callback called
CoveredEResourcesList All filter button renders the All button ‑ CoveredEResourcesList All filter button renders the All button
CoveredEResourcesList Current filter button clicking the Current button onFilterEResources callback called ‑ CoveredEResourcesList Current filter button clicking the Current button onFilterEResources callback called
CoveredEResourcesList Current filter button renders the Current button ‑ CoveredEResourcesList Current filter button renders the Current button
CoveredEResourcesList Dropped filter button clicking the Dropped button onFilterEResources callback called ‑ CoveredEResourcesList Dropped filter button clicking the Dropped button onFilterEResources callback called
CoveredEResourcesList Dropped filter button renders the Dropped button ‑ CoveredEResourcesList Dropped filter button renders the Dropped button
CoveredEResourcesList Future filter button clicking the Future button onFilterEResources callback called ‑ CoveredEResourcesList Future filter button clicking the Future button onFilterEResources callback called
CoveredEResourcesList Future filter button renders the Future button ‑ CoveredEResourcesList Future filter button renders the Future button
CoveredEResourcesList choosing export as JSON correct onExportResources handler called ‑ CoveredEResourcesList choosing export as JSON correct onExportResources handler called
CoveredEResourcesList choosing export as KBART correct onExportResources handler called ‑ CoveredEResourcesList choosing export as KBART correct onExportResources handler called
CoveredEResourcesList renders expected column count ‑ CoveredEResourcesList renders expected column count
CoveredEResourcesList renders expected columns ‑ CoveredEResourcesList renders expected columns
CoveredEResourcesList renders the CoveredEResourcesList MCL ‑ CoveredEResourcesList renders the CoveredEResourcesList MCL
CoveredEResourcesList renders the Export dropdown ‑ CoveredEResourcesList renders the Export dropdown
CustomCoverageIcon renders expected CustomCoverageIcon ‑ CustomCoverageIcon renders expected CustomCoverageIcon
DestinationTitleIdentifierField clicking the submit button  ‑ DestinationTitleIdentifierField clicking the submit button 
DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the DestinationTitleIdentifierField card ‑ DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the DestinationTitleIdentifierField card
DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the Title text ‑ DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the Title text
DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text to select destination title ‑ DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text to select destination title
DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text when no title is selected ‑ DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text when no title is selected
DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the submit button ‑ DestinationTitleIdentifierField renders the submit button
DestinationTitlePreview clicking the submit button  ‑ DestinationTitlePreview clicking the submit button 
DestinationTitlePreview renders a link with the title name ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders a link with the title name
DestinationTitlePreview renders expected heading ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders expected heading
DestinationTitlePreview renders keyValue Material type ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders keyValue Material type
DestinationTitlePreview renders the DestinationTitlePreview card ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders the DestinationTitlePreview card
DestinationTitlePreview renders the expected issn value ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders the expected issn value
DestinationTitlePreview renders the expected new identifier ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders the expected new identifier
DestinationTitlePreview renders the submit button ‑ DestinationTitlePreview renders the submit button
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a pci renders DiscoverySettings accordion ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a pci renders DiscoverySettings accordion
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a pci renders expected Suppress from discovery(Title in package) value ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a pci renders expected Suppress from discovery(Title in package) value
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a pci renders expected suppress from discovery(Title) value ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a pci renders expected suppress from discovery(Title) value
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a title renders DiscoverySettings accordion ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a title renders DiscoverySettings accordion
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a title renders expected suppress from discovery(Title) value ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for a title renders expected suppress from discovery(Title) value
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders DiscoverySettings accordion ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders DiscoverySettings accordion
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders expected Suppress from discovery(Title in package) value ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders expected Suppress from discovery(Title in package) value
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders expected suppress from discovery(Agreement Line) value ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders expected suppress from discovery(Agreement Line) value
DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders expected suppress from discovery(Title) value ‑ DiscoverySettings DiscoverySettings for an agreement line renders expected suppress from discovery(Title) value
Documents renders the DocumentCard component ‑ Documents renders the DocumentCard component
Documents renders the Documents Accordion ‑ Documents renders the Documents Accordion
DuplicateAgreementModal renders duplicate modal component ‑ DuplicateAgreementModal renders duplicate modal component
EResource PCI resource renders the Edit button ‑ EResource PCI resource renders the Edit button
EResource PCI resource renders the PCI component ‑ EResource PCI resource renders the PCI component
EResource Package resource does not render the Edit button ‑ EResource Package resource does not render the Edit button
EResource Package resource renders the Package component ‑ EResource Package resource renders the Package component
EResource Title resource renders the Edit button ‑ EResource Title resource renders the Edit button
EResource Title resource renders the Title component ‑ EResource Title resource renders the Title component
EResource isLoading renders the LoadingPane component ‑ EResource isLoading renders the LoadingPane component
EResourceCount Agreement line w/o resource renders a dash ‑ EResourceCount Agreement line w/o resource renders a dash
EResourceCount AgreementLine resource renders expected eresource count ‑ EResourceCount AgreementLine resource renders expected eresource count
EResourceCount External package resource renders expected eresource count ‑ EResourceCount External package resource renders expected eresource count
EResourceCount Package resource renders expected eresource count ‑ EResourceCount Package resource renders expected eresource count
EResourceCount eHoldings package resource renders expected eresource count ‑ EResourceCount eHoldings package resource renders expected eresource count
EResourceCount eHoldings single title resource renders expected eresource count ‑ EResourceCount eHoldings single title resource renders expected eresource count
EResourceCount empty resource should render null ‑ EResourceCount empty resource should render null
EResourceEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView ‑ EResourceEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView
EResourceEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the CloseButton button ‑ EResourceEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the CloseButton button
EResourceEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the PCIForm component ‑ EResourceEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the PCIForm component
EResourceEditRoute rendering the route with permissions triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ EResourceEditRoute rendering the route with permissions triggers the CloseButton callback
EResourceEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ EResourceEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
EResourceIdentifier renders expected identifiers for Title with identifiers renders the identifier as a List  ‑ EResourceIdentifier renders expected identifiers for Title with identifiers renders the identifier as a List 
EResourceIdentifier renders null for Title with no identifier  does not renders the List  ‑ EResourceIdentifier renders null for Title with no identifier  does not renders the List 
EResourceKB renders expected eresource data source for a PCI ‑ EResourceKB renders expected eresource data source for a PCI
EResourceKB renders expected eresource data source for a package ‑ EResourceKB renders expected eresource data source for a package
EResourceKB renders no value for an empty resource ‑ EResourceKB renders no value for an empty resource
EResourceLink renders expected name for an external package ‑ EResourceLink renders expected name for an external package
EResourceLink renders expected name for an external title ‑ EResourceLink renders expected name for an external title
EResourceLink renders expected name for an internal titleInstance ‑ EResourceLink renders expected name for an internal titleInstance
EResourceLink renders no value for an empty resource ‑ EResourceLink renders no value for an empty resource
EResourceProvider renders expected provider for a resource with _object ‑ EResourceProvider renders expected provider for a resource with _object
EResourceProvider renders expected provider for an external resource ‑ EResourceProvider renders expected provider for an external resource
EResourceProvider renders expected vendor ‑ EResourceProvider renders expected vendor
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute calls the EResourceClickButton callback ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute calls the EResourceClickButton callback
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the CloseButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the CloseButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the EResource component ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the EResource component
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the EditButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the EditButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the FilterPackageContentsButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the FilterPackageContentsButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the NeedMoreEntitlementOptionsButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the NeedMoreEntitlementOptionsButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the NeedMoreEntitlementsButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the NeedMoreEntitlementsButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the NeedMorePackageContentsButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the NeedMorePackageContentsButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the ToggleTagsButton button ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute renders the ToggleTagsButton button
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute triggers the EResourceClickButton callback ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute triggers the EResourceClickButton callback
EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback ‑ EResourceViewRoute rendering the EResourceViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback
EntitlementAgreementsList renders expected agreements list without headline ‑ EntitlementAgreementsList renders expected agreements list without headline
EntitlementAgreementsList renders expected agreements list ‑ EntitlementAgreementsList renders expected agreements list
EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector component renders eholdings card component ‑ EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector component renders eholdings card component
EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector component renders linkEresourceToStart message ‑ EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector component renders linkEresourceToStart message
EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector component renders noEresourceLinked message ‑ EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector component renders noEresourceLinked message
EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector with error message renders error message ‑ EresourceSelector renders EresourceSelector with error message renders error message
ExtendedPackageInformation renders the alternate names MCL ‑ ExtendedPackageInformation renders the alternate names MCL
ExtendedPackageInformation renders the expected Description ‑ ExtendedPackageInformation renders the expected Description
ExtendedPackageInformation renders the identifiers MCL ‑ ExtendedPackageInformation renders the identifiers MCL
ExtendedPackageInformation renders the package description urls MCL ‑ ExtendedPackageInformation renders the package description urls MCL
External Licenses renders the DocumentCard component ‑ External Licenses renders the DocumentCard component
External Licenses renders the external licenses Accordion ‑ External Licenses renders the external licenses Accordion
FormCoverage with external type does not render coverage Accordion ‑ FormCoverage with external type does not render coverage Accordion
FormCoverage with initialValues renders the Coverage accordion ‑ FormCoverage with initialValues renders the Coverage accordion
FormCoverage with initialValues renders the CoverageFieldArray component ‑ FormCoverage with initialValues renders the CoverageFieldArray component
FormCoverage with initialValues renders the Embargo component ‑ FormCoverage with initialValues renders the Embargo component
FormCoverage with initialValues renders the SerialCoverage component ‑ FormCoverage with initialValues renders the SerialCoverage component
FormCoverage with initialValues renders the expected Default coverage value ‑ FormCoverage with initialValues renders the expected Default coverage value
FormCoverage with initialValues renders the expected embargo value ‑ FormCoverage with initialValues renders the expected embargo value
FormCoverage with no initial values renders the Coverage accordion ‑ FormCoverage with no initial values renders the Coverage accordion
FormCoverage with no initial values renders the CoverageFieldArray component ‑ FormCoverage with no initial values renders the CoverageFieldArray component
FormDocuments renders the Documents accordion ‑ FormDocuments renders the Documents accordion
FormDocuments renders the DocumentsFieldArray component ‑ FormDocuments renders the DocumentsFieldArray component
FormEresource with agreementLineSource type basket renders sumbmit button ‑ FormEresource with agreementLineSource type basket renders sumbmit button
FormEresource with agreementLineSource type basket renders the BasketSelector component ‑ FormEresource with agreementLineSource type basket renders the BasketSelector component
FormEresource with agreementLineSource type eholding renders the EresourceSelector component ‑ FormEresource with agreementLineSource type eholding renders the EresourceSelector component
FormEresource with empty agreementLineSource renders null ‑ FormEresource with empty agreementLineSource renders null
FormEresource with initialValues renders the FormEresourceCard component ‑ FormEresource with initialValues renders the FormEresourceCard component
FormEresource with initialValues renders the submit button ‑ FormEresource with initialValues renders the submit button
FormEresourceCard renders with external title card renders the TitleCardExternal ‑ FormEresourceCard renders with external title card renders the TitleCardExternal
FormEresourceCard renders with initialValues renders the PackageCard ‑ FormEresourceCard renders with initialValues renders the PackageCard
FormEresourceCard renders with internal title renders the TitleCard ‑ FormEresourceCard renders with internal title renders the TitleCard
FormEresourceCard renders with no initialValues renders the PackageCardExternal ‑ FormEresourceCard renders with no initialValues renders the PackageCardExternal
FormInfo with initial values renders a disabled Reason for closure dropdown ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders a disabled Reason for closure dropdown
FormInfo with initial values renders the AgreementPeriods FieldArray ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the AgreementPeriods FieldArray
FormInfo with initial values renders the AlternativeNames FieldArray ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the AlternativeNames FieldArray
FormInfo with initial values renders the ContentTypes FieldArray ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the ContentTypes FieldArray
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Active from field ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Active from field
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Active to field ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Active to field
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Description field ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Description field
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Is perpetual dropdown ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Is perpetual dropdown
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Name field ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Name field
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Note field ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Note field
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Renewal priority dropdown ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Renewal priority dropdown
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Status dropdown ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Status dropdown
FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Suppress from discovery field ‑ FormInfo with initial values renders the expected value in the Suppress from discovery field
FormInfo with initial values typing in the name field should fire the onAsyncValidate callback ‑ FormInfo with initial values typing in the name field should fire the onAsyncValidate callback
FormInfo with no initial values Reason for closure dropdown activates when correct status is selected and has correct options ‑ FormInfo with no initial values Reason for closure dropdown activates when correct status is selected and has correct options
FormInfo with no initial values Reason for closure warning shows up when set and status !== closed ‑ FormInfo with no initial values Reason for closure warning shows up when set and status !== closed
FormInfo with no initial values renders Active from Datepicker ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders Active from Datepicker
FormInfo with no initial values renders Active to Datepicker ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders Active to Datepicker
FormInfo with no initial values renders Description field ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders Description field
FormInfo with no initial values renders Note field ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders Note field
FormInfo with no initial values renders Suppress from discovery Checkbox ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders Suppress from discovery Checkbox
FormInfo with no initial values renders a disabled Reason for closure dropdown ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders a disabled Reason for closure dropdown
FormInfo with no initial values renders the AgreementPeriods FieldArray ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the AgreementPeriods FieldArray
FormInfo with no initial values renders the AlternativeNames FieldArray ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the AlternativeNames FieldArray

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

1061 tests found (test 434 to 851)

There are 1061 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 434 to 851.
Raw output
FormInfo with no initial values renders the ContentTypes FieldArray ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the ContentTypes FieldArray
FormInfo with no initial values renders the Description field ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the Description field
FormInfo with no initial values renders the Is perpetual dropdown with correct options ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the Is perpetual dropdown with correct options
FormInfo with no initial values renders the Name field ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the Name field
FormInfo with no initial values renders the Renewal priority dropdown  with correct options ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the Renewal priority dropdown  with correct options
FormInfo with no initial values renders the Status dropdown with correct options ‑ FormInfo with no initial values renders the Status dropdown with correct options
FormInternalContacts renders the Internal contacts accordion ‑ FormInternalContacts renders the Internal contacts accordion
FormInternalContacts renders the InternalContactsFieldArray component ‑ FormInternalContacts renders the InternalContactsFieldArray component
FormLicenses with initialValues renders expected External licenses component ‑ FormLicenses with initialValues renders expected External licenses component
FormLicenses with initialValues renders expected Linked licenses component ‑ FormLicenses with initialValues renders expected Linked licenses component
FormLicenses with initialValues renders the Agreement lines accordion ‑ FormLicenses with initialValues renders the Agreement lines accordion
FormLicenses with initialValues renders the expected note value ‑ FormLicenses with initialValues renders the expected note value
FormLicenses with no initialValues renders expected External licenses component ‑ FormLicenses with no initialValues renders expected External licenses component
FormLicenses with no initialValues renders expected Linked licenses component ‑ FormLicenses with no initialValues renders expected Linked licenses component
FormLicenses with no initialValues renders the Agreement lines accordion ‑ FormLicenses with no initialValues renders the Agreement lines accordion
FormLicenses with no initialValues renders the note field ‑ FormLicenses with no initialValues renders the note field
FormLines FormLines with agreement lines renders text indicating agreement lines exist ‑ FormLines FormLines with agreement lines renders text indicating agreement lines exist
FormLines FormLines with agreement lines renders the Agreement lines accordion ‑ FormLines FormLines with agreement lines renders the Agreement lines accordion
FormLines FormLines with agreement lines renders the link to agreement lines page ‑ FormLines FormLines with agreement lines renders the link to agreement lines page
FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementId renders text indicating agreement lines do not exist ‑ FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementId renders text indicating agreement lines do not exist
FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementId renders the Agreement lines accordion ‑ FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementId renders the Agreement lines accordion
FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementLineCount renders text indicating agreement lines do not exist ‑ FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementLineCount renders text indicating agreement lines do not exist
FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementLineCount renders the Agreement lines accordion ‑ FormLines FormLines with undefined agreementLineCount renders the Agreement lines accordion
FormLines FormLines without agreement lines renders text indicating agreement lines do not exist ‑ FormLines FormLines without agreement lines renders text indicating agreement lines do not exist
FormLines FormLines without agreement lines renders the Agreement lines accordion ‑ FormLines FormLines without agreement lines renders the Agreement lines accordion
FormOrganizations renders the Organizations accordion ‑ FormOrganizations renders the Organizations accordion
FormOrganizations renders the OrganizationsFieldArray component ‑ FormOrganizations renders the OrganizationsFieldArray component
FormRelatedAgreements renders the Related agreements accordion ‑ FormRelatedAgreements renders the Related agreements accordion
FormRelatedAgreements renders the RelatedAgreementsFieldArray component ‑ FormRelatedAgreements renders the RelatedAgreementsFieldArray component
FormSupplementaryDocuments renders the DocumentsFieldArray component ‑ FormSupplementaryDocuments renders the DocumentsFieldArray component
FormSupplementaryDocuments renders the Supplementary documents accordion ‑ FormSupplementaryDocuments renders the Supplementary documents accordion
FormUsageData with initial values renders the expected usage data provider ‑ FormUsageData with initial values renders the expected usage data provider
FormUsageData with no initial values renders the Add usage date provider button ‑ FormUsageData with no initial values renders the Add usage date provider button
FormUsageData with no initial values renders the Usage data accordion ‑ FormUsageData with no initial values renders the Usage data accordion
Future Licenses renders the Future licenses Accordion ‑ Future Licenses renders the Future licenses Accordion
Future Licenses renders the LinkedLicenseCard component ‑ Future Licenses renders the LinkedLicenseCard component
GeneralSettings rendering the GeneralSettings component renders GeneralSettingsForm component  ‑ GeneralSettings rendering the GeneralSettings component renders GeneralSettingsForm component 
GeneralSettingsForm displays the agreement setting pane header ‑ GeneralSettingsForm displays the agreement setting pane header
GeneralSettingsForm displays the agreement setting pane ‑ GeneralSettingsForm displays the agreement setting pane
GeneralSettingsForm renders Save button ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders Save button
GeneralSettingsForm renders expected lists ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders expected lists
GeneralSettingsForm renders the Hide internal agreements knowledgebase Checkbox ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders the Hide internal agreements knowledgebase Checkbox
GeneralSettingsForm renders the Hide internal agreements knowledgebase checkbox as checked ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders the Hide internal agreements knowledgebase checkbox as checked
GeneralSettingsForm renders the HideAccordions component ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders the HideAccordions component
GeneralSettingsForm renders the MCLPaginationFields component ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders the MCLPaginationFields component
GeneralSettingsForm renders the SuppressFromDiscoveryFields component ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders the SuppressFromDiscoveryFields component
GeneralSettingsForm renders the description paragraph ‑ GeneralSettingsForm renders the description paragraph
Header renders the expected primary org ‑ Header renders the expected primary org
Header renders the expected start date ‑ Header renders the expected start date
Header renders the expected status ‑ Header renders the expected status
HideAccordions no initial values set renders expected heading ‑ HideAccordions no initial values set renders expected heading
HideAccordions no initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox as not checked ‑ HideAccordions no initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox as not checked
HideAccordions no initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox ‑ HideAccordions no initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox
HideAccordions with initial values set renders expected heading ‑ HideAccordions with initial values set renders expected heading
HideAccordions with initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox as checked ‑ HideAccordions with initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox as checked
HideAccordions with initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox ‑ HideAccordions with initial values set renders the "Usage data" checkbox
Historical Licenses renders the Historical licenses Accordion ‑ Historical Licenses renders the Historical licenses Accordion
Historical Licenses renders the LinkedLicenseCard component ‑ Historical Licenses renders the LinkedLicenseCard component
IdentifierReassignmentForm Before picking resources renders a disabled 'preview' button ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm Before picking resources renders a disabled 'preview' button
IdentifierReassignmentForm Before picking resources renders the DestinationTitleIdentifierField component ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm Before picking resources renders the DestinationTitleIdentifierField component
IdentifierReassignmentForm Before picking resources renders the SourceTitleIdentifierField component ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm Before picking resources renders the SourceTitleIdentifierField component
IdentifierReassignmentForm Picking resources clicking preview button renders the DestinationTitlePreview component ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm Picking resources clicking preview button renders the DestinationTitlePreview component
IdentifierReassignmentForm Picking resources clicking preview button renders the SourceTitlePreview component ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm Picking resources clicking preview button renders the SourceTitlePreview component
IdentifierReassignmentForm Picking resources preview button becomes enabled ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm Picking resources preview button becomes enabled
IdentifierReassignmentForm renders the identifierReassignmentForm form ‑ IdentifierReassignmentForm renders the identifierReassignmentForm form
IfAccordionIsVisible should not render children passed as a function when hide usageData accordion set to true ‑ IfAccordionIsVisible should not render children passed as a function when hide usageData accordion set to true
IfAccordionIsVisible should not render children when hide usageData accordion set to true ‑ IfAccordionIsVisible should not render children when hide usageData accordion set to true
IfAccordionIsVisible should render children passed as a function when hide usageData accordion set to false ‑ IfAccordionIsVisible should render children passed as a function when hide usageData accordion set to false
IfAccordionIsVisible should render children when hide usageData accordion set to false ‑ IfAccordionIsVisible should render children when hide usageData accordion set to false
IfEResourcesEnabled should not render children passed as a function when hide internal kb set to false ‑ IfEResourcesEnabled should not render children passed as a function when hide internal kb set to false
IfEResourcesEnabled should not render children passed as a function when hide internal kb set to true ‑ IfEResourcesEnabled should not render children passed as a function when hide internal kb set to true
IfEResourcesEnabled should not render children when hide internal kb set to true ‑ IfEResourcesEnabled should not render children when hide internal kb set to true
IfEResourcesEnabled should render children when hide internal kb set to false ‑ IfEResourcesEnabled should render children when hide internal kb set to false
Info Info with external resource error displays parent agreements name ‑ Info Info with external resource error displays parent agreements name
Info Info with external resource error renders Info component ‑ Info Info with external resource error renders Info component
Info Info with external resource error renders a link with the parent agreements name ‑ Info Info with external resource error renders a link with the parent agreements name
Info Info with external resource error renders the ErrorCard component ‑ Info Info with external resource error renders the ErrorCard component
Info Info with external type displays agreement line activeFrom date ‑ Info Info with external type displays agreement line activeFrom date
Info Info with external type displays agreement line activeTo date ‑ Info Info with external type displays agreement line activeTo date
Info Info with external type displays agreement line description ‑ Info Info with external type displays agreement line description
Info Info with external type displays agreement line note ‑ Info Info with external type displays agreement line note
Info Info with external type displays agreement line suppressFromDiscovery ‑ Info Info with external type displays agreement line suppressFromDiscovery
Info Info with external type displays agreement line title on platfrom URL ‑ Info Info with external type displays agreement line title on platfrom URL
Info Info with external type displays parent agreements name ‑ Info Info with external type displays parent agreements name
Info Info with external type renders Info component ‑ Info Info with external type renders Info component
Info Info with external type renders a link with the parent agreements name ‑ Info Info with external type renders a link with the parent agreements name
Info Info with external type renders the PackageCardExternal component ‑ Info Info with external type renders the PackageCardExternal component
Info Info with external type renders the TitleCardExternal component ‑ Info Info with external type renders the TitleCardExternal component
Info Info with type packages displays agreement line activeFrom date ‑ Info Info with type packages displays agreement line activeFrom date
Info Info with type packages displays agreement line activeTo date ‑ Info Info with type packages displays agreement line activeTo date
Info Info with type packages displays agreement line description ‑ Info Info with type packages displays agreement line description
Info Info with type packages displays agreement line note ‑ Info Info with type packages displays agreement line note
Info Info with type packages displays agreement line suppressFromDiscovery ‑ Info Info with type packages displays agreement line suppressFromDiscovery
Info Info with type packages displays agreement line title on platfrom URL ‑ Info Info with type packages displays agreement line title on platfrom URL
Info Info with type packages displays parent agreements name ‑ Info Info with type packages displays parent agreements name
Info Info with type packages renders Info component ‑ Info Info with type packages renders Info component
Info Info with type packages renders a link with the parent agreements name ‑ Info Info with type packages renders a link with the parent agreements name
Info Info with type packages renders the PackageCard component ‑ Info Info with type packages renders the PackageCard component
Info Info with type packages renders the TitleCard component ‑ Info Info with type packages renders the TitleCard component
Info renders expected alternate name in each row ‑ Info renders expected alternate name in each row
Info renders the InfoPeriods components ‑ Info renders the InfoPeriods components
Info renders the agreement name ‑ Info renders the agreement name
Info renders the alternate names MCL ‑ Info renders the alternate names MCL
Info renders the expected Content type ‑ Info renders the expected Content type
Info renders the expected Description ‑ Info renders the expected Description
Info renders the expected Renewal priority value ‑ Info renders the expected Renewal priority value
Info renders the expected isPerpetual value ‑ Info renders the expected isPerpetual value
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on next period tab next period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods current period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods next button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods next button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods previous button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods previous button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods renders a current button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods renders a current button
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods renders a next button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods renders a next button
InfoPeriods agreement with all periods renders a previous button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with all periods renders a previous button
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period clicking on previous period tab previous period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period current button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period current button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period next period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period previous button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period previous button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period renders a next button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period renders a next button
InfoPeriods agreement with no current period renders a previous button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with no current period renders a previous button
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period current period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period next button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period next button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period previous button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period previous button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only current period renders a current button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only current period renders a current button
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods current button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods current button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods next period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods previous button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods previous button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods renders a next button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only future periods renders a next button
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods current button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods current button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods next button is disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods next button is disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous button is not disabled ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous button is not disabled
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct cancellation deadline information
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct period end information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct period end information
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct period note information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct period note information
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct period start information ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods previous period renders as expected displays correct period start information
InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods renders a previous button ‑ InfoPeriods agreement with only past periods renders a previous button
InternalContacts renders the Internal contacts Accordion ‑ InternalContacts renders the Internal contacts Accordion
InternalContacts renders the InternalContactCard component ‑ InternalContacts renders the InternalContactCard component
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected column count ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected column count
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected columns ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected columns
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected endDate in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected endDate in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected name in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected name in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected note in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected note in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected row count ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected row count
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected startDate in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected startDate in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected status in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected status in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected warning in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders expected warning in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders the MCL ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of current amendments renders the MCL
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected column count ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected column count
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected columns ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected columns
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected endDate in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected endDate in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected name in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected name in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected note in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected note in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected row count ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected row count
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected startDate in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected startDate in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected status in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders expected status in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders the MCL ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of future amendments renders the MCL
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected column count ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected column count
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected columns ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected columns
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected endDate in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected endDate in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected name in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected name in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected note in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected note in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected row count ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected row count
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected startDate in each row ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders expected startDate in each row
LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders the MCL ‑ LicenseAmendmentList List of historical amendments renders the MCL
LicenseField renders expected fields with no initial values renders the default message ‑ LicenseField renders expected fields with no initial values renders the default message
LicenseField renders expected fields/values with initial values set renders the LicenseCard component ‑ LicenseField renders expected fields/values with initial values set renders the LicenseCard component
LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected ‑ LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected
LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking and blurring the Status select dropdown should render an error ‑ LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking and blurring the Status select dropdown should render an error
LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking the add button renders the licenseField field ‑ LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking the add button renders the licenseField field
LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values renders empty field ‑ LicensesFieldArray render with empty initial values renders empty field
LicensesFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders expected number of fields ‑ LicensesFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders expected number of fields
LicensesFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected note in each field ‑ LicensesFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected note in each field
LicensesFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected status in each field ‑ LicensesFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected status in each field
Lines actions menu exists ‑ Lines actions menu exists
Lines opening actions menu New agreement line button exists ‑ Lines opening actions menu New agreement line button exists
Lines opening actions menu View in agreement lines search button exists ‑ Lines opening actions menu View in agreement lines search button exists
Lines opening actions menu clicking new agreement line button redirected to agreement line screen ‑ Lines opening actions menu clicking new agreement line button redirected to agreement line screen
Lines opening actions menu clicking view in agreement lines search button redirected to agreement line screen ‑ Lines opening actions menu clicking view in agreement lines search button redirected to agreement line screen
Lines opening actions menu renders ColumnManagerMenu component ‑ Lines opening actions menu renders ColumnManagerMenu component
Lines renders Agreement lines Accordion ‑ Lines renders Agreement lines Accordion
Lines renders CoveredEResourcesList component ‑ Lines renders CoveredEResourcesList component
Lines renders LinesList component ‑ Lines renders LinesList component
LinesList Clicking the first row should call the onViewAgreementLine callback ‑ LinesList Clicking the first row should call the onViewAgreementLine callback
LinesList renders expected Provider in each row ‑ LinesList renders expected Provider in each row
LinesList renders expected Publication type date in each row ‑ LinesList renders expected Publication type date in each row
LinesList renders expected agreement line name in each row ‑ LinesList renders expected agreement line name in each row
LinesList renders expected column count ‑ LinesList renders expected column count
LinesList renders expected columns ‑ LinesList renders expected columns
LinesList renders expected row count ‑ LinesList renders expected row count
LinesList renders the Lines list MCL ‑ LinesList renders the Lines list MCL
LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders LinkedLicenseCard component ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders LinkedLicenseCard component
LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders a link with the license name ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders a link with the license name
LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders the LicenseAmendmentList ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders the LicenseAmendmentList
LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders the LicenseCard ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders the LicenseCard
LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders the expected note value ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Future license card renders the expected note value
LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders LinkedLicenseCard component ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders LinkedLicenseCard component
LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders a link with the license name ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders a link with the license name
LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders the LicenseAmendmentList ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders the LicenseAmendmentList
LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders the LicenseCard ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders the LicenseCard
LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders the expected note value ‑ LinkedLicenseCard Historical license card renders the expected note value
MCLPaginationFields renders mcl fields ‑ MCLPaginationFields renders mcl fields
MCLPaginationFields submitted expected payload ‑ MCLPaginationFields submitted expected payload
MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed as a pci ‑ MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed as a pci
MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed without a pci ‑ MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed without a pci
MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed without a volume ‑ MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed without a volume
MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed without an edition ‑ MonographCoverage renders expected monograph coverage when passed without an edition
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected DOI identifier ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected DOI identifier
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected ISBN identifier ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected ISBN identifier
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected edition ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected edition
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected firstAuthor ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected firstAuthor
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected firstEditor ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected firstEditor
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected materialType ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected materialType
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected publicationDate ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected publicationDate
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected publicationType ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected publicationType
MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected volume ‑ MonographResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected volume
NoPermissions renders Permission Error message ‑ NoPermissions renders Permission Error message
NoteCreateRoute renders the NoteCreateRoute renders the NoteCreatePage component ‑ NoteCreateRoute renders the NoteCreateRoute renders the NoteCreatePage component
NoteEditRoute renders the NoteEditRoute renders the NoteEditPage component ‑ NoteEditRoute renders the NoteEditRoute renders the NoteEditPage component
NoteViewRoute renders the NoteViewRoute renders the NoteViewPage component ‑ NoteViewRoute renders the NoteViewRoute renders the NoteViewPage component
OpenBasketButton with empty basket renders the disabled button ‑ OpenBasketButton with empty basket renders the disabled button
OpenBasketButton with item in basket calls the open basket button ‑ OpenBasketButton with item in basket calls the open basket button
OpenBasketButton with item in basket renders the open basket button ‑ OpenBasketButton with item in basket renders the open basket button
Organizations agreement with orgs renders the Organizations Accordion ‑ Organizations agreement with orgs renders the Organizations Accordion
Organizations agreement with orgs renders the ViewOrganizationCard component ‑ Organizations agreement with orgs renders the ViewOrganizationCard component
Organizations agreement without orgs renders the Organizations Accordion ‑ Organizations agreement without orgs renders the Organizations Accordion
Organizations agreement without orgs renders the no organization for this agreement message ‑ Organizations agreement without orgs renders the no organization for this agreement message
PCI Coverage renders an Accordion ‑ PCI Coverage renders an Accordion
PCI Coverage renders expected column count ‑ PCI Coverage renders expected column count
PCI Coverage renders expected columns ‑ PCI Coverage renders expected columns
PCI Coverage renders expected coverage details in first row ‑ PCI Coverage renders expected coverage details in first row
PCI Coverage renders expected row count ‑ PCI Coverage renders expected row count
PCI Coverage renders the coverage MCL ‑ PCI Coverage renders the coverage MCL
PCI Coverage renders the embargo ‑ PCI Coverage renders the embargo
PCI renders the Agreements component ‑ PCI renders the Agreements component
PCI renders the DiscoverySettings component ‑ PCI renders the DiscoverySettings component
PCI renders the PCICoverage component ‑ PCI renders the PCICoverage component
PCI renders the PCIInfo component ‑ PCI renders the PCIInfo component
PCI renders the PackageCard component ‑ PCI renders the PackageCard component
PCI renders the TitleCard component ‑ PCI renders the TitleCard component
PCIForm renders the expand/collapseAll Button ‑ PCIForm renders the expand/collapseAll Button
PCIForm renders the expected PCIFormIPCIFormCoveragenfo component ‑ PCIForm renders the expected PCIFormIPCIFormCoveragenfo component
PCIForm renders the expected PCIFormInfo component ‑ PCIForm renders the expected PCIFormInfo component
PCIForm renders the expected Pane header ‑ PCIForm renders the expected Pane header
PCIFormCoverage renders embargo ‑ PCIFormCoverage renders embargo
PCIFormCoverage renders the Accordion ‑ PCIFormCoverage renders the Accordion
PCIFormCoverage renders the Add coverage button ‑ PCIFormCoverage renders the Add coverage button
PCIFormCoverage renders the coverage field array ‑ PCIFormCoverage renders the coverage field array
PCIFormInfo renders expected value in the Name TextField ‑ PCIFormInfo renders expected value in the Name TextField
PCIFormInfo renders the Name TextField ‑ PCIFormInfo renders the Name TextField
PCIFormInfo renders the Suppress from discovery Checkbox ‑ PCIFormInfo renders the Suppress from discovery Checkbox
PCIInfo renders the Accessible from date header ‑ PCIInfo renders the Accessible from date header
PCIInfo renders the Accessible until date header ‑ PCIInfo renders the Accessible until date header
PCIInfo renders the Add To Basket Button ‑ PCIInfo renders the Add To Basket Button
PCIInfo renders the Title on platform URL header ‑ PCIInfo renders the Title on platform URL header
PCIInfo renders the expected Accessible from date ‑ PCIInfo renders the expected Accessible from date
PCIInfo renders the expected Accessible until date ‑ PCIInfo renders the expected Accessible until date
PCIInfo renders the expected Title on platform URL ‑ PCIInfo renders the expected Title on platform URL
PCIInfo renders the expected headline ‑ PCIInfo renders the expected headline
POLineCard renders POLineCard component ‑ POLineCard renders POLineCard component
POLineCard renders a link with instanceId ‑ POLineCard renders a link with instanceId
POLineCard renders a link with the poLineNumber ‑ POLineCard renders a link with the poLineNumber
POLineCard renders the POLineCard component ‑ POLineCard renders the POLineCard component
POLineCard renders the expected acquisitionMethod value ‑ POLineCard renders the expected acquisitionMethod value
POLineCard renders title in poline ‑ POLineCard renders title in poline
POLineField POLineField with error  renders error message ‑ POLineField POLineField with error  renders error message
POLineField POLineField with linked PO Line  renders the POLineCard component ‑ POLineField POLineField with linked PO Line  renders the POLineCard component
POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays Link a PO line to get started layout ‑ POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays Link a PO line to get started layout
POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays the No "find-po-line" plugin is installed layout ‑ POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays the No "find-po-line" plugin is installed layout
POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays the No PO line linked layout ‑ POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays the No PO line linked layout
POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays the PO LineCard title ‑ POLineField POLineField with no PO Line displays the PO LineCard title
POLines renders the POLineCard component ‑ POLines renders the POLineCard component
POLines renders the POLines Accordion ‑ POLines renders the POLines Accordion
POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected ‑ POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected
POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  clicking the add button renders the po line field ‑ POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  clicking the add button renders the po line field
POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  renders empty field ‑ POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  renders empty field
POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  renders the Add PO line button ‑ POLinesFieldArray render with empty initial values  renders the Add PO line button
POLinesFieldArray render with initial values set  renders expected number of fields ‑ POLinesFieldArray render with initial values set  renders expected number of fields
Package renders the Agreements component ‑ Package renders the Agreements component
Package renders the ExtendedPackageInformation component ‑ Package renders the ExtendedPackageInformation component
Package renders the NotesSmartAccordion component ‑ Package renders the NotesSmartAccordion component
Package renders the PackageContents component ‑ Package renders the PackageContents component
Package renders the PackageInfo component ‑ Package renders the PackageInfo component
PackageCard with pkg resource renders PackageCard component ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders PackageCard component
PackageCard with pkg resource renders a link with the pkg name ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders a link with the pkg name
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected availability scope ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected availability scope
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected lifecycle status ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected lifecycle status
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected publicationType ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected publicationType
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected reference ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected reference
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected resourceCount ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected resourceCount
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected source ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected source
PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected vendorName ‑ PackageCard with pkg resource renders the expected vendorName
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders PackageCard component ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders PackageCard component
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders a link with the pkg name ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders a link with the pkg name
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expcected availability ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expcected availability
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expcected status ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expcected status
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected publicationType ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected publicationType
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected reference ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected reference
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected resourceCount ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected resourceCount
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected source ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected source
PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected vendorName ‑ PackageCard with pkg._object resource renders the expected vendorName
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders PackageCardExternal component ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders PackageCardExternal component
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders a link with the packageData name ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders a link with the packageData name
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected access status type ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected access status type
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected contentType ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected contentType
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected count ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected count
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected holding status ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected holding status
PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected providerName ‑ PackageCardExternal with packageData resource renders the expected providerName
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders PackageCardExternal component ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders PackageCardExternal component
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders a link with the pkg reference_object label ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders a link with the pkg reference_object label
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected access status type ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected access status type
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected contentType ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected contentType
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected count ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected count
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected holding status ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected holding status
PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected providerName ‑ PackageCardExternal with pkg resource renders the expected providerName
PackageContents clicking a filter should invoke the onFilterPackageContents callback ‑ PackageContents clicking a filter should invoke the onFilterPackageContents callback
PackageContents renders expected package in each row ‑ PackageContents renders expected package in each row
PackageContents renders the E-resources in package Accordion ‑ PackageContents renders the E-resources in package Accordion
PackageContents renders the PackageContents mcl ‑ PackageContents renders the PackageContents mcl
PackageContents renders the expected column count ‑ PackageContents renders the expected column count
PackageContents renders the expected columns ‑ PackageContents renders the expected columns
PackageContents renders the expected row count ‑ PackageContents renders the expected row count
PackageContents renders the filter buttons ‑ PackageContents renders the filter buttons
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the book checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the book checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the consortium checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the consortium checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the current checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the current checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the database checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the database checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the deleted checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the deleted checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the expected checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the expected checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the global checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the global checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the journal checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the journal checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the local checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the local checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the mixed checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the mixed checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the other checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the other checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the regional checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the regional checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the retired checkbox ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters clicking the retired checkbox
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Availability Accordion ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Availability Accordion
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Content type Accordion ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Content type Accordion
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the External data source Accordion ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the External data source Accordion
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Scope Accordion ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Scope Accordion
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Status Accordion ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Status Accordion
PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Tags Accordion ‑ PackageFilters renders the PackageFilters renders the Tags Accordion
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Add package to basket button ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Add package to basket button
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Availability field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Availability field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Content type field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Content type field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Provider field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Provider field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Reference field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Reference field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Source created field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Source created field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Source field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Source field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Source last updated field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Source last updated field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Status field ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the Status field
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected availability constraints ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected availability constraints
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected availability ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected availability
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected content types ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected content types
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected provider ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected provider
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected reference ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected reference
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected source ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected source
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected status ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expcected status
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected e-book pool value ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected e-book pool value
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected ezb value ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected ezb value
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected gokb id value ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected gokb id value
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected gokb uuid value ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected gokb uuid value
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected isil value ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected isil value
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected source created date and time ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected source created date and time
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected source updated date and time ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected source updated date and time
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected zdb value ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the expected zdb value
PackageInfo when data is passed renders the package name ‑ PackageInfo when data is passed renders the package name
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected availability ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected availability
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected content type ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected content type
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected provider ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected provider
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected reference ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected reference
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected source created date ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected source created date
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected source last updated date ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected source last updated date
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected source ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected source
PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected status ‑ PackageInfo when data with empty provider, source, status, reference, content type, availability, source dates is passed renders the expcected status
Packages renders expected packages columns ‑ Packages renders expected packages columns
Packages renders the EResourceProvider component ‑ Packages renders the EResourceProvider component
Packages renders the PackageFilters component ‑ Packages renders the PackageFilters component
Packages renders the expcted number of MCL columns ‑ Packages renders the expcted number of MCL columns
Packages renders the expcted number of MCL rows ‑ Packages renders the expcted number of MCL rows
Packages renders the expected Packages Pane ‑ Packages renders the expected Packages Pane
Packages renders the expected Search and Filter Pane ‑ Packages renders the expected Search and Filter Pane
Packages renders the expected Search and Reset all Button ‑ Packages renders the expected Search and Reset all Button
Packages renders the expected Titles/Platforms buttons ‑ Packages renders the expected Titles/Platforms buttons
Packages triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook ‑ Packages triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook
PackagesRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the packages component ‑ PackagesRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the packages component
PackagesRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ PackagesRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
PickListSettings rendering the PickListSettings renders the RefdataCategoriesSettings component ‑ PickListSettings rendering the PickListSettings renders the RefdataCategoriesSettings component
Platform after loading renders the PlatformInfo component ‑ Platform after loading renders the PlatformInfo component
Platform after loading renders the PlatformProxySettings component ‑ Platform after loading renders the PlatformProxySettings component
Platform after loading renders the PlatformUrlCustomization component ‑ Platform after loading renders the PlatformUrlCustomization component
Platform isLoading renders the LoadingPane component ‑ Platform isLoading renders the LoadingPane component

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results

1061 tests found (test 852 to 1061)

There are 1061 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 852 to 1061.
Raw output
PlatformEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView ‑ PlatformEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView
PlatformEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the CloseButton button ‑ PlatformEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the CloseButton button
PlatformEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the PlatformForm component ‑ PlatformEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the PlatformForm component
PlatformEditRoute rendering the route with permissions triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ PlatformEditRoute rendering the route with permissions triggers the CloseButton callback
PlatformEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ PlatformEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
PlatformForm renders the PlatformFormInfo component ‑ PlatformForm renders the PlatformFormInfo component
PlatformForm renders the expected header ‑ PlatformForm renders the expected header
PlatformFormInfo should render Local platform code TextField ‑ PlatformFormInfo should render Local platform code TextField
PlatformFormInfo should render the platform name ‑ PlatformFormInfo should render the platform name
PlatformFormInfo should trigger onSubmit with expected values on submitting the form ‑ PlatformFormInfo should trigger onSubmit with expected values on submitting the form
PlatformFormInfo with initialValues renders Local platform code TextField ‑ PlatformFormInfo with initialValues renders Local platform code TextField
PlatformFormInfo with initialValues renders the platform name ‑ PlatformFormInfo with initialValues renders the platform name
PlatformInfo renders the expected local platform code key value ‑ PlatformInfo renders the expected local platform code key value
PlatformInfo renders the expected locators key value ‑ PlatformInfo renders the expected locators key value
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings Clicking the row should not call the onViewUrlCustomizer callback ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings Clicking the row should not call the onViewUrlCustomizer callback
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders do not use this proxy button ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders do not use this proxy button
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected actions value in the row ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected actions value in the row
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected column count ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected column count
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected columns ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected columns
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected name value in the row ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected name value in the row
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected status value in the row ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders expected status value in the row
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders the PlatformProxySettings Accordion ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders the PlatformProxySettings Accordion
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders the platformProxySettings list MCL ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders the platformProxySettings list MCL
PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders use this proxy button ‑ PlatformProxySettings with proxy settings renders use this proxy button
PlatformProxySettings without proxy settings renders the PlatformProxySettings Accordion ‑ PlatformProxySettings without proxy settings renders the PlatformProxySettings Accordion
PlatformUrlCustomization Clicking the row should not call the onViewUrlCustomizer callback ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization Clicking the row should not call the onViewUrlCustomizer callback
PlatformUrlCustomization renders expected column count ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders expected column count
PlatformUrlCustomization renders expected columns ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders expected columns
PlatformUrlCustomization renders expected name and customization code in the row ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders expected name and customization code in the row
PlatformUrlCustomization renders maximum number of URL customization message   ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders maximum number of URL customization message  
PlatformUrlCustomization renders the Lines list MCL ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders the Lines list MCL
PlatformUrlCustomization renders the Platform URL customization settings button ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders the Platform URL customization settings button
PlatformUrlCustomization renders the PlatformUrlCustomization Accordion ‑ PlatformUrlCustomization renders the PlatformUrlCustomization Accordion
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute calls the ViewUrlCustomizerButton callback ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute calls the ViewUrlCustomizerButton callback
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the ClickProxyServerActionButton button ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the ClickProxyServerActionButton button
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the CloseButton button ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the CloseButton button
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the EditButton button ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the EditButton button
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the Platform component ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute renders the Platform component
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback
PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute triggers the ViewUrlCustomizerButton callback ‑ PlatformViewRoute renders the PlatformViewRoute triggers the ViewUrlCustomizerButton callback
Platforms renders expected children passed to the component ‑ Platforms renders expected children passed to the component
Platforms renders expected columns ‑ Platforms renders expected columns
Platforms renders the expcted number of MCL columns ‑ Platforms renders the expcted number of MCL columns
Platforms renders the expcted number of MCL rows ‑ Platforms renders the expcted number of MCL rows
Platforms renders the expected Platforms Pane ‑ Platforms renders the expected Platforms Pane
Platforms renders the expected Search and Filter Pane ‑ Platforms renders the expected Search and Filter Pane
Platforms renders the expected Search and Reset all Button ‑ Platforms renders the expected Search and Reset all Button
Platforms renders the expected local kb buttons ‑ Platforms renders the expected local kb buttons
Platforms renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text ‑ Platforms renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text
Platforms triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook ‑ Platforms triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook
PlatformsRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the platforms component ‑ PlatformsRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the platforms component
PlatformsRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ PlatformsRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
Related Agreements renders a link with the agreement name in the card header ‑ Related Agreements renders a link with the agreement name in the card header
Related Agreements renders the Related agreements Accordion ‑ Related Agreements renders the Related agreements Accordion
Related Agreements renders the expected note value ‑ Related Agreements renders the expected note value
Related Agreements renders the expected relationship value ‑ Related Agreements renders the expected relationship value
Related Agreements renders the related agreement card component ‑ Related Agreements renders the related agreement card component
RelatedAgreementField renders expected fields with no initial values renders the default message ‑ RelatedAgreementField renders expected fields with no initial values renders the default message
RelatedAgreementField renders expected fields/values with initial values set renders expected values ‑ RelatedAgreementField renders expected fields/values with initial values set renders expected values
RelatedAgreementsFieldArray render with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected ‑ RelatedAgreementsFieldArray render with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected
RelatedAgreementsFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking the add button renders the relatedAgreement field ‑ RelatedAgreementsFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking the add button renders the relatedAgreement field
RelatedAgreementsFieldArray render with empty initial values renders empty field ‑ RelatedAgreementsFieldArray render with empty initial values renders empty field
RelatedAgreementsFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders expected number of fields ‑ RelatedAgreementsFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders expected number of fields
RelatedAgreementsFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected note in each field ‑ RelatedAgreementsFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected note in each field
RelatedAgreementsFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected relationship summary in each field ‑ RelatedAgreementsFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected relationship summary in each field
RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected DOI identifier ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected DOI identifier
RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected ISBN identifier ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected ISBN identifier
RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected headline ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected headline
RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected materialType ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with monograph resource renders the expected materialType
RelatedTitleInfo with serial resource renders the expected ISSN identifier ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with serial resource renders the expected ISSN identifier
RelatedTitleInfo with serial resource renders the expected headline ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with serial resource renders the expected headline
RelatedTitleInfo with serial resource renders the expected materialType ‑ RelatedTitleInfo with serial resource renders the expected materialType
SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected EZB identifier ‑ SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected EZB identifier
SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected ISSN identifier ‑ SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected ISSN identifier
SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected ZDB identifier ‑ SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected ZDB identifier
SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected materialType ‑ SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected materialType
SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected publicationType ‑ SerialResourceInfo with title resource renders the expected publicationType
SourceTitleIdentifierField clicking the submit button  ‑ SourceTitleIdentifierField clicking the submit button 
SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the Title text ‑ SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the Title text
SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text to select source title ‑ SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text to select source title
SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text when no title is selected ‑ SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the expected text when no title is selected
SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the sourceTitleIdentifierCard card ‑ SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the sourceTitleIdentifierCard card
SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the submit button ‑ SourceTitleIdentifierField renders the submit button
SourceTitlePreview clicking the submit button  ‑ SourceTitlePreview clicking the submit button 
SourceTitlePreview renders a link with the title name ‑ SourceTitlePreview renders a link with the title name
SourceTitlePreview renders expected values ‑ SourceTitlePreview renders expected values
SourceTitlePreview renders the SourceTitlePreview card ‑ SourceTitlePreview renders the SourceTitlePreview card
SourceTitlePreview renders the expcected material type ‑ SourceTitlePreview renders the expcected material type
SourceTitlePreview renders the expcected source ‑ SourceTitlePreview renders the expcected source
SourceTitlePreview renders the submit button ‑ SourceTitlePreview renders the submit button
Supplementary Docs renders the DocumentCard component ‑ Supplementary Docs renders the DocumentCard component
Supplementary Docs renders the supplementary documents Accordion ‑ Supplementary Docs renders the supplementary documents Accordion
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders expected heading ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders expected heading
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox as not checked ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox as not checked
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox as not checked ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox as not checked
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox as not checked ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox as not checked
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields no initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders expected heading ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders expected heading
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox as checked ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox as checked
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Agreement lines" checkbox
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox as checked ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox as checked
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles in packages" checkbox
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox as checked ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox as checked
SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox ‑ SuppressFromDiscoveryFields with initial values set renders the "Titles" checkbox
Terms renders the CustomPropertyCard component ‑ Terms renders the CustomPropertyCard component
Terms renders the expected Accordion ‑ Terms renders the expected Accordion
Title renders the AcquisitionOptions component ‑ Title renders the AcquisitionOptions component
Title renders the Agreements component ‑ Title renders the Agreements component
Title renders the DiscoverySettings component ‑ Title renders the DiscoverySettings component
Title renders the NotesSmartAccordion component ‑ Title renders the NotesSmartAccordion component
Title renders the TitleCardInfo component ‑ Title renders the TitleCardInfo component
TitleCard with title resource renders TitleCard component ‑ TitleCard with title resource renders TitleCard component
TitleCard with title resource renders a link with the title name ‑ TitleCard with title resource renders a link with the title name
TitleCard with title resource renders the TitleCardInfo ‑ TitleCard with title resource renders the TitleCardInfo
TitleCardExternal with title resource renders EResourceLink component ‑ TitleCardExternal with title resource renders EResourceLink component
TitleCardExternal with title resource renders TitleCardExternal component ‑ TitleCardExternal with title resource renders TitleCardExternal component
TitleCardExternal with title resource renders the expected accessStatusType ‑ TitleCardExternal with title resource renders the expected accessStatusType
TitleCardExternal with title resource renders the expected holdingStatus ‑ TitleCardExternal with title resource renders the expected holdingStatus
TitleCardExternal with title resource renders the expected publicationType ‑ TitleCardExternal with title resource renders the expected publicationType
TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders EResourceLink component ‑ TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders EResourceLink component
TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders TitleCardExternal component ‑ TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders TitleCardExternal component
TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders the expected accessStatusType ‑ TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders the expected accessStatusType
TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders the expected holdingStatus ‑ TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders the expected holdingStatus
TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders the expected publicationType ‑ TitleCardExternal with titleReferenceObject resource renders the expected publicationType
TitleCardInfo with monograph resource renders the MonographResourceInfo ‑ TitleCardInfo with monograph resource renders the MonographResourceInfo
TitleCardInfo with serial resource with related titles renders the RelatedTitleInfo ‑ TitleCardInfo with serial resource with related titles renders the RelatedTitleInfo
TitleCardInfo with serial resource with related titles renders the SerialResourceInfo ‑ TitleCardInfo with serial resource with related titles renders the SerialResourceInfo
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the book checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the book checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the database checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the database checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the electronic checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the electronic checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the journal checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the journal checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the monograph checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the monograph checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the print checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the print checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the serial checkbox ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters clicking the serial checkbox
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters renders the Publication type Accordion ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters renders the Publication type Accordion
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters renders the Tags Accordion ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters renders the Tags Accordion
TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters renders the Type Accordion ‑ TitleFilters renders the TitleFilters renders the Type Accordion
TitleForm renders the TitleCardInfo component ‑ TitleForm renders the TitleCardInfo component
TitleForm renders the TitleFormInfo component ‑ TitleForm renders the TitleFormInfo component
TitleFormInfo with isSuppressFromDiscovery not true for title does not render the Suppress from discovery Checkbox ‑ TitleFormInfo with isSuppressFromDiscovery not true for title does not render the Suppress from discovery Checkbox
TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as false renders suppress from discovery checkbox as unchecked ‑ TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as false renders suppress from discovery checkbox as unchecked
TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as false renders the Suppress from discovery Checkbox ‑ TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as false renders the Suppress from discovery Checkbox
TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as true renders suppress from discovery checkbox as checked ‑ TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as true renders suppress from discovery checkbox as checked
TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as true renders the Suppress from discovery Checkbox ‑ TitleFormInfo with suppressFromDiscovery as true renders the Suppress from discovery Checkbox
Titles renders expected children passed to the component ‑ Titles renders expected children passed to the component
Titles renders expected columns ‑ Titles renders expected columns
Titles renders the IdentifierReassignmentForm ‑ Titles renders the IdentifierReassignmentForm
Titles renders the Title Filters ‑ Titles renders the Title Filters
Titles renders the expcted number of MCL columns ‑ Titles renders the expcted number of MCL columns
Titles renders the expcted number of MCL rows ‑ Titles renders the expcted number of MCL rows
Titles renders the expected Packages/Titles/Platforms lines buttons ‑ Titles renders the expected Packages/Titles/Platforms lines buttons
Titles renders the expected Search and Filter Pane ‑ Titles renders the expected Search and Filter Pane
Titles renders the expected Search and Reset all Button ‑ Titles renders the expected Search and Reset all Button
Titles renders the expected Titles Pane ‑ Titles renders the expected Titles Pane
Titles renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text ‑ Titles renders the expected number of records in the pane sub text
Titles triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook ‑ Titles triggering the search should invoke the useHandleSubmitSearch hook
TitlesRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the titles component ‑ TitlesRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the titles component
TitlesRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ TitlesRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button clicking cancel button no longer renders cancel button ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button clicking cancel button no longer renders cancel button
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button clicking delete button within modal delete callback called as expected ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button clicking delete button within modal delete callback called as expected
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button clicking delete button within modal no longer renders cancel button (there is still a button labelled 'Delete') ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button clicking delete button within modal no longer renders cancel button (there is still a button labelled 'Delete')
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button renders cancel button ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button renders cancel button
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button renders delete button within modal ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking delete button renders delete button within modal
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking edit button edit callback called as expected ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button clicking edit button edit callback called as expected
UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button renders expected buttons ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading clicking actions button renders expected buttons
UrlCustomizer after loading renders the expcected URL customization pane header ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading renders the expcected URL customization pane header
UrlCustomizer after loading renders the expected URL customization code ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading renders the expected URL customization code
UrlCustomizer after loading renders the expected URL customization name ‑ UrlCustomizer after loading renders the expected URL customization name
UrlCustomizer isLoading renders the LoadingPane component ‑ UrlCustomizer isLoading renders the LoadingPane component
UrlCustomizerCreateRoute rendering the route renders the CloseButton  ‑ UrlCustomizerCreateRoute rendering the route renders the CloseButton 
UrlCustomizerCreateRoute rendering the route renders the UrlCustomizerForm component ‑ UrlCustomizerCreateRoute rendering the route renders the UrlCustomizerForm component
UrlCustomizerCreateRoute rendering the route triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ UrlCustomizerCreateRoute rendering the route triggers the CloseButton callback
UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView ‑ UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering loading view renders loadingView
UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the CloseButton button ‑ UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the CloseButton button
UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the UrlCustomizerForm component ‑ UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering the route with permissions renders the UrlCustomizerForm component
UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering the route with permissions triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering the route with permissions triggers the CloseButton callback
UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error ‑ UrlCustomizerEditRoute rendering with no permissions displays the permission error
UrlCustomizerForm with initialValues renders the expected Customization code in the text area ‑ UrlCustomizerForm with initialValues renders the expected Customization code in the text area
UrlCustomizerForm with initialValues renders the expected name in the text field ‑ UrlCustomizerForm with initialValues renders the expected name in the text field
UrlCustomizerForm without initialValues renders the expected Customization code text area ‑ UrlCustomizerForm without initialValues renders the expected Customization code text area
UrlCustomizerForm without initialValues renders the expected name text field ‑ UrlCustomizerForm without initialValues renders the expected name text field
UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute re-rendering the route renders the UrlCustomizer component ‑ UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute re-rendering the route renders the UrlCustomizer component
UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute renders the CloseButton button ‑ UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute renders the CloseButton button
UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute renders the EditButton button ‑ UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute renders the EditButton button
UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute renders the UrlCustomizer component ‑ UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute renders the UrlCustomizer component
UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback ‑ UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute triggers the CloseButton callback
UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback ‑ UrlCustomizerViewRoute rendering the UrlCustomizerViewRoute triggers the EditButton callback
UsageData renders a link with the expected provider name ‑ UsageData renders a link with the expected provider name
UsageData renders the Usage data Accordion ‑ UsageData renders the Usage data Accordion
UsageData renders the UsageData card ‑ UsageData renders the UsageData card
UsageData renders the expected note value ‑ UsageData renders the expected note value
UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields with no initial values  renders no usage data provider text ‑ UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields with no initial values  renders no usage data provider text
UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields with no initial values  renders the Usage data provider card header ‑ UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields with no initial values  renders the Usage data provider card header
UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields with no initial values  renders the default message ‑ UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields with no initial values  renders the default message
UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields/values with initial values set  renders the expected name value ‑ UsageDataProviderField renders expected fields/values with initial values set  renders the expected name value
UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected ‑ UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values adding/removing fields using the add/remove works as expected
UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking the add button renders the usage data provider field ‑ UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values clicking the add button renders the usage data provider field
UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values renders empty field ‑ UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values renders empty field
UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values renders the Add usage data provider button ‑ UsageDataProvidersFieldArray render with empty initial values renders the Add usage data provider button
UsageDataProvidersFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders expected number of fields ‑ UsageDataProvidersFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders expected number of fields
UsageDataProvidersFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected note in each field ‑ UsageDataProvidersFieldArray rendering with initial values set renders the expected note in each field
renders FormPOLines with initialValues renders the PO lines accordion ‑ renders FormPOLines with initialValues renders the PO lines accordion
renders FormPOLines with initialValues renders the POLinesFieldArray component ‑ renders FormPOLines with initialValues renders the POLinesFieldArray component
renders FormPOLines with no initialValues renders the PO lines accordion ‑ renders FormPOLines with no initialValues renders the PO lines accordion
renders FormPOLines with no initialValues renders the POLinesFieldArray component ‑ renders FormPOLines with no initialValues renders the POLinesFieldArray component
withFileHandlers rendering the MockApp calls the Download button ‑ withFileHandlers rendering the MockApp calls the Download button
withFileHandlers rendering the MockApp calls the Upload button ‑ withFileHandlers rendering the MockApp calls the Upload button