6.0.0 (2024-03-19)
Full Changelog
Allow Editing of "Renewal Date" and "Subscription to" on open purchase order line. Refs UIOR-1078.
Add donor info to POL. Refs UIOR-1147.
Disable donor field in POL. Refs UIOR-1149.
Populate donor info from fund into POL. Refs UIOR-1148.
Add donor info to Order facets. Refs UIOR-1150.
Populate claiming interval in POL from Organization record. Refs UIOR-396.
Add claiming checkbox to POL details. Refs UIOR-397.
Optimize linked instances query to improve performance. Refs UIOR-1181.
Add permission to fetch invoices-related fiscal years into the orders "view" permission set. UIOR-1185.
Do not show special fields in "Version history" for PO and POL. Refs UIOR-1117.
Add validation for the claimingInterval
field. Refs UIOR-1192.
BREAKING Add settings components for custom fields. Refs UIOR-1177.
Add Custom Fields to View, Edit, Create components of Orders, Order Lines and Order Templates. Refs UIOR-1195.
Bump up okapi interfaces for pieces
(2.0 3.0). Refs UIOR-1212.
Add missing permissions for custom fields. Refs UIOR-1223.
Wait for custom fields to render before populating form fields. Refs UIOR-1225.
Location-restricted funds in POLs. Refs UIOR-1166.
Add "LCCN" to the list of valid product identifier types. Refs UIOR-1218.
Use Vendor's the most recent currency as default currency for creating POL. Refs UIOR-1213.
Allow order template to hide Currency and exchange rate fields. Refs UIOR-1214.
Opening and editing POs with location-restricted funds (FE). Refs UIOR-1184.
Update error message for opening PO with location-restricted funds. Refs UIOR-1222.
Add order line "Exchange rate" to order csv export. Refs UIOR-1208.
Add informative error message when a user is trying to save the order template with already existing name. Refs UIOR-1118.
Currency and amount in a printed order mismatch. Refs UIOR-1224.
UX Consistency > Search Results > Update HTML page title with search term entered. Refs UIOR-1200.
Suggest actions only for holdings if there are no related items. UIOR-1093.
Add Custom Field filters components for PO. Refs UIOR-1187.
The exchanged calculated total amount is not displayed when POL in foreign currency. Refs UIOR-1241.
You can’t perform that action at this time.