UIREC-362 Hide 'Add piece' action when related order has 'Pending' st… #1450
GitHub Actions / Jest Unit Test Results
Dec 18, 2024 in 0s
2 fail, 2 skipped, 283 pass in 3m 34s
github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results
TitleDetailsExpectedActions should not call openReceiveList when receive button is pressed and actions are disabled (TitleDetailsExpectedActions should not call openReceiveList when receive button is pressed and actions are disabled) failed
Raw output
Error: expect(jest.fn()).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
Expected number of calls: 0
Received number of calls: 1
1: {"_reactName": "onClick", "_targetInst": null, "altKey": false, "bubbles": true, "button": 0, "buttons": 0, "cancelable": true, "clientX": 0, "clientY": 0, "ctrlKey": false, "currentTarget": null, "defaultPrevented": false, "detail": 1, "eventPhase": 3, "getModifierState": [Function modifierStateGetter], "isDefaultPrevented": [Function functionThatReturnsFalse], "isPropagationStopped": [Function functionThatReturnsFalse], "isTrusted": false, "metaKey": false, "movementX": 0, "movementY": 0, "nativeEvent": {"isTrusted": false}, "pageX": undefined, "pageY": undefined, "relatedTarget": null, "screenX": 0, "screenY": 0, "shiftKey": false, "target": <button class="button dropdownItem" data-test-title-receive-button="true" data-testid="receive-button" type="button"><span class="inner"><span>Icon</span></span></button>, "timeStamp": 1734528560531, "type": "click", "view": null}
at Object.toHaveBeenCalled (/home/runner/work/ui-receiving/ui-receiving/src/TitleDetails/TitleDetailsActions/TitleDetailsExpectedActions.test.js:65:46)
github-actions / Jest Unit Test Results
TitleDetailsExpectedActions should not call onPieceCreate when add piece button is pressed and actions are disabled (TitleDetailsExpectedActions should not call onPieceCreate when add piece button is pressed and actions are disabled) failed
Raw output
Error: expect(jest.fn()).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
Expected number of calls: 0
Received number of calls: 1
1: {"_reactName": "onClick", "_targetInst": null, "altKey": false, "bubbles": true, "button": 0, "buttons": 0, "cancelable": true, "clientX": 0, "clientY": 0, "ctrlKey": false, "currentTarget": null, "defaultPrevented": false, "detail": 1, "eventPhase": 3, "getModifierState": [Function modifierStateGetter], "isDefaultPrevented": [Function functionThatReturnsFalse], "isPropagationStopped": [Function functionThatReturnsFalse], "isTrusted": false, "metaKey": false, "movementX": 0, "movementY": 0, "nativeEvent": {"isTrusted": false}, "pageX": undefined, "pageY": undefined, "relatedTarget": null, "screenX": 0, "screenY": 0, "shiftKey": false, "target": <button class="button dropdownItem" data-test-add-piece-button="true" data-testid="add-piece-button" type="button"><span class="inner"><span>Icon</span></span></button>, "timeStamp": 1734528560599, "type": "click", "view": null}
at Object.toHaveBeenCalled (/home/runner/work/ui-receiving/ui-receiving/src/TitleDetails/TitleDetailsActions/TitleDetailsExpectedActions.test.js:75:44)