- PARAM-MODES [1 2 3 4 7 8]
key from control wheel to toggle modes.
- LEGACY MANAGER [9 10 11]
key to choose Legacy lens name (11) & Special item (10). Use
key if FocalLength (9) is green.
Exposure info (5) & Histogram (6). Use
key of control wheel to toggle between diferent views.
- Shutter-speed: When mode selected (green color) rotate
to increase or decrease values.
- Aperture: When mode selected do rotate
to increase or decrease values to match the F-Stop of Legacy lens.
- ISO Ratings: When mode selected do rotate
to increase or decrease values
- Exposure: When mode selected do rotate
to increase or decrease values.
- Metering view: real-time info regarding exposure.
- Histogram: real-time histogram.
- Mode: When selected, use
key to toggle between M (MANUAL exposure) and A (Aperture priority).
- Drive-Mode: When mode selected, use
key to toggle between diferent Drive modes (Single, Burst, ...).
- Focal Length: it displays the current FL...
- Special item: displays the current 'Special' item, e.g: 'TC 1.4x' (Tele-converter 1.4x).
- Legacy Lens Name: display Lens Name from the selected lens profile.
built-in lens profiles: App has a default sample lens database built-in, in case no other input (from user) is provided.
USER PROFILES: App uses a XML database. Check the schema and sample file. User can use his OWN 'profiles.xml' saved into SDCard/LLEGACY folder.
PROFILE CREATION] - check the corresponding XML blocks for LENSES and for SPECIAL items. Copy one block and paste it below keeping the struture. Edit that block with necessary data for your legacy lens...
- <name>Name_of_the_lens_01</name>: replace 'Name_of_the_lens_01' text for your lens.
- <mount>M42</mount>: replace 'M42' with the mount of your lens.
- <focal>50</focal>: replace '50' with the focallength of your lens.
- Fixed lens (e.g 50mm): just use the 50.
- Zoom lens (e.g 24-105mm): use 24-105. Note: The '-' is used for range focal lengths.
- <apertures>1.4-22</apertures>: replace '1.4-22' with the range apertures of your lens.
- Single aperture (e.g F6.3) --> use 6.3 between tags.
- Several apertures (user defined F1.7 F2 F4 F5.6 F8 F16): use comma delimeter --> 1.7,2,4,5.6,8,16
- Range apertures (e.g F2.8-F16 max:F2.8 and min:F16)
- Full-stop apertures : use the '-' for range full-stop apertures --> 2.8-16
- Half-stop apertures : use the '-' and '/2' for range half-stop apertures --> 2.8-16/2
- Third-stop apertures : use the '-' and '/3' for range third-stop apertures --> 2.8-16/3
- [PictureReview] - The app needs it in order to access a "Listener" and then get file-number of TAKEN PHOTO.
- [no EXIF into files] - only recent cameras has a method that allows it..
- add DOF information on screen (custom view?)
- add WriteExifInfo on supported camera models
- create Lens profiles from app interface?
- use Sqlite database?
- ma1co - for everything that made all this posible!
- obs1dium - a LARGE part of this repo uses layout & coding from [bettermanual app] (https://github.com/obs1dium/BetterManual)
- Bostwickenator - regarding dof-master to be integrated into this app
- [Paulo Santos] - for his precious contribution on lens profiles idea.