Make sure you have these installed: sudo apt install ros-noetic-sensor-msgs ros-noetic-geometry-msgs ros-noetic-std-msgs ros-noetic-rospy
sudo apt install ros-noetic-stereo-image-proc
sudo apt install ros-noetic-rviz
Should be able to clone repo and run catkin_make inside of EECE5554_Final_Project
Once you clone EECE5554_Final_Project:
- inside it, create a folder /data and put the bag file inside of it
FOR REFERENCE - These are the topics available in the bag file MH_01_easy.bag:
/cam0/image_raw /cam1/image_raw /clock /imu0 /leica/position /rosout /rosout_agg
The method for data analysis will be the following:
- Horizontal alignment of stereo images and alignment of IMU data with image data on time axis.
- Stereo Matching and depth estimation, converting data from stereo images to point cloud.
- Use position and pose estimations from IMU as an initial guess for ICP or another algorithm to align point clouds and combine into map.
- Use transforms from point cloud data to derive the path of the drone through time, and compare the results to the absolute measurements performed by external sensors.
- Use Open3D or PCL to visualize point cloud map and drone position.
- Create figures visualizing differences in stereo-inertial data vs laser tracking data