pgen is a very simple and very fast Rust based command-line password generator.
When installed in your path, becomes a useful tool in order to generate new passwords and secrets.
Currently pgen packs the following features:
- Arbitrary password length
- 4 predefined password complexities
- Possibility to output several secrets at once
- Allows custom dictionaries
- Outputs passes as JSON Array
If you have an installed Rust toolchain you may simply run
$ cargo build --release
you'll find the pgen executable in the /target/release folder. If you move it into your PATH you'll be able to run it as a command.
$ pgen -h
pgen 0.1.0
Francesco De Domenico
A Very simple Password Generator!
pgen.exe [OPTIONS] --length <LENGTH>
-c, --complexity <COMPLEXITY> The complexity of the password. Values allowed: 1 - Lowercase
dictionary; 2 - Lowercase and uppercase dictionary; 3 -
Lowercase, uppercase and digits dictionary; 4 - lowercase,
uppercase, digits and symbols dictionary;
-d, --dictionary <DICTIONARY> A custom dictionary for the password, if set the complexity
parameter is ignored. In case you would like to use
whitespaces in your dictionary ' ' use double quotes: -d "aAb
-h, --help Print help information
-j, --json Optional: passwords output as JSON
-l, --length <LENGTH> The desided length for the password
-n, --number <NUMBER> Number of passwords to be generated
-o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> Optional: writes the generated password/passwords into the
specified file in the current working directory
-V, --version Print version information
By default the tool outputs on the standard output:
$ pgen -l 16 -c 3 -n 10
### PASSWORD 1 ###
### PASSWORD 2 ###
### PASSWORD 3 ###
### PASSWORD 4 ###
### PASSWORD 5 ###
### PASSWORD 6 ###
### PASSWORD 7 ###
### PASSWORD 8 ###
### PASSWORD 9 ###
### PASSWORD 10 ###
It is possible to make an easily parsable JSON adding the -j flag
$ pgen -l 16 -c 4 -n 10 -j
you may also flush the buffer into a file written in the current work directory:
$ pgen -l 16 -c 4 -n 10 -j -o passwords.json