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The sources for how we have built the HHVM packages.


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Next Generation HHVM Binary Packaging

All linux builds will be in Docker containers, on AWS.


Distribution subdirectories should be consistently named: DISTRO-NUMERIC_VERSION[-VERSION_NAME] - for example, debian-9-stretch, or ubuntu-16.04-xenial. There are two required files:

  • make-package: executable script that creates a package from /var/out/hhvm-nightly-$VERSION.tar.gz, and put the output in /var/out
  • DOCKER_BASE: plain text file containing the name of a public docker image that should be used for the build - for example, debian:stretch. It needs to be possible to pass this to docker run, for example, docker run -it debian:stretch /bin/bash -l should work.

Docker containers will have the following directories bind-mounted:

  • /var/out: read-write; build artifacts (e.g. packages) go here.
  • /opt/hhvm-packaging: read-only; this directory.
  • /opt/hhvm-distro-packaging: read-only; the subdirectory for your distribution. This should contain a make-package script or symlink

For example, when building for Debian Jessie, the debian-8-jessie/ subdirectory is mounted to /opt/hhvm-distro-packaging.

The package building process will execute /opt/hhvm-distro-packaging/make-package in the container, and will expect that to create packages in /var/out. make-package should install all required build dependencies. Use the native package manager's support for build-depends or similar where possible.

Debian-like distributions

You probably want make-package to be a symlink to /opt/hhvm-packaging/bin/make-debianish-package; this expects:

  • a DISTRIBUTION file containing the string name for the distribution - e.g. 'jessie', 'trusty'
  • a PKGVER file containing the package version - e.g. 1~jessie
  • a debian/ subdirectory, containing control, rules, etc.

If you are able to use an existing distribution's debian/ directory directly, please make it a symlink to /opt/hhvm-packaging/OTHER_DISTRO_HERE/debian.

Packages will be build with debbuild

Local interactive usage

  1. Install Docker
  2. run bin/make-interactive-container; you now have a shell in the container
  3. within the container, install git (e.g. apt-get update -y; apt-get install -y git)
  4. run /opt/hhvm-packaging/bin/make-source-tarball
  5. run /opt/hhvm-distro-packaging/make-package

You can specify a distribution at step 2 - for example, `bin/interactive-container debian-9-stretch'

Building packages non-interactively

  1. Install Docker
  2. If you are on MacOS, brew install gnu-tar, and export TAR=gtar
  3. bin/make-source-tarball (just once)
  4. run bin/make-package-in-throwaway-container DISTRO_ID (for each distribution)

DISTRO_ID is the name of one of the distribution-specific subdirectories, e.g. debian-9-stretch.


As we want to execute docker commands, we run directly on EC2, not ECS. AWS supports running commands on EC2 instance startup - EC2 calls this 'user data' - a file or script-as-text in 'user data' will be executed.

The scripts we use are in the aws/ subdirectory, and expect to be ran on Ubuntu 16.04 hosts.

Building source tarball and linux packages for new releases

  • tag the release on the hhvm-staging repo
  • bin/make-all-packages-on-aws VERSION

If you just need to rebuild for one distribution, with no code changes:

  • edit DISTRO/PKGVER if needed (e.g. if a previouis package was pushed for this HHVM version and distribution) and push to github
  • bin/make-package-on-aws VERSION DISTRO

Building source tarballs and linux packages for multiple new releases

  • tag all the releases on the hhvm-staging repo
  • bin/make-multiple-releases-on-aws VERSION1 [VERSION2 [...]]

How it works

There are 3 kinds of jobs used here:

  • AWS lambdas: code that can be written in stateless javascript
  • jobs that run on EC2 instances: any other code. For example, building HHVM, or updating apt repositories
  • AWS step functions: these are state machines, which coordinate the previous steps

Step functions can not directly run other step functions, or wait for an EC2 instance. When we want that, what we do is:

  1. invoke a lambda to start the sub-job, whatever it is
  2. wait a while
  3. invoke a different lambda to check if it's finished
  4. repeat if neccessary

There are 2 main step functions:

  • hhvm-build: build a specific version of HHVM - source tarball, and binaries for multiple distributions. Multiple instances can run in parrallel.
  • hhvm-publish-release: take the output of hhvm-build for a specific verison (but multiple distributions). Multilpe instances must run sequentially. This will:
    • update the apt repostiories
    • publish source to the public github repository if it wasnt already there

These aren't usually directly invoked - instead, two wrappers are used:

  • hhvm-build-and-publish: build and publish a single tagged release. Usually used for feature releases and nightly builds. It will execute an instance of hhvm-build, then an instance of hhvm-publish-release
  • hhvm-build-and-publish-multi: build and publish multiple tagged releases. It will spin up parrallel instances of hhvm-build, then sequential instances of hhvm-publish-release. This is used when we want multiple near-simultaenous releases, for example, when publishing security updates.

For more details, look at the definitions either in AWS console, or aws/step-functions/

S3 Buckets

  • hhvm-downloads: public. This is
  • hhvm-scratch: private. build artifacts and release source tarballs before public

EC2 Jobs

Each kind of EC2 job has distinct 'userdata'; this is a shell script that AWS will invoke when imaged. You can see these in aws/userdata/. Some of them depend on environment variables being set - this is accomplished by using lambdas to spawn them, which prepend variable initialization to the userdata script before passing it to the EC2 API.

Currently these are:

  1. creates and signs source tarballs.
    • if this is a nightly build (version like YYYY.MM.DD), it will create the tarball from the master branch of facebook/hhvm, and immediately publish to the hhvm-downloads S3 bucket
    • if this is a release build (any other version format), it will create the tarball from the appropriate HHVM-x.y.z tag of hhvm/hhvm-staging, and instead upload to the hhvm-scratch S3 bucket
  2. create a distribution packages (e.g .deb for Debian or Ubuntu) for a specific distribution and distribution version - e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 will be built on a separate instance to Ubuntu 16.10. Results are published to the hhvm-scratch bucket
  3. update the apt repositories or similar: this moves the binaries from hhvm-scratch to hhvm-downloads
    • for nightlies, this does nothing
    • for release builds, this copies the source to s3://hhvm-downloads/source/, and copies the branch and tag from hhvm/hhvm-staging to facebook/hhvm


There's a lot of these; the best way to see how these fit together is to look at the step function defintions. They take JSON input, and produce JSON output. As step functions work like a pipeline, the output usually contains all the input data, but with fields added or modified. If a field isn't relevant to the lambda, the lambda should return it verbatim.

If you want to invoke them manually:

aws lambda invoke --function-name my-func-name --payload "$(pbpaste)" /dev/stdout

... assuming the JSON input is in your clipboard, and you're on mac. Otherwise, replace "$(pbpaste)" with the JSON payload.

Currently, these are:

  • create-s3-index-html: takes an S3 bucket ID, and automatically generates index.html files
  • get-instances-state: takes multiple EC2 instance IDs, and returns per-instance state, and a flag indicating if any are still running
  • get-state-machine-executions-state: same, but for AWS step function execution IDs
  • hhvm-build-binary-packages: takes a version number and multiple distribution names, spins up worker EC2 instances. Usually followed by a wait then get-instances-state
  • hhvm-build-source-tarball: takes version number, branch info, etc, and spins up a worker EC2 instance. Usually followed by a wait then hhvm-have-source-tarball
  • hhvm-get-build-version: takes an optional version number (none for nightlies), and returns branch information, source tarball S3 location, and a flag for if it's a nightly. Usually followed by hhvm-build-source-tarball.
  • hhvm-have-source-tarball: takes the output of hhvm-get-build-version, and returns true if the source tarball is in the expected place in S3
  • hhvm-invalidate-repository-metadata-on-cloudfront: optionally takes a version number, but it's unused except for a job ID. It purges all apt metadata from the CDN caches. This is usually a final step in the build process.
  • hhvm-publish-release-source: takes hhvm-get-build-version output, and:
    • if a nightly build, does nothing
    • otherwise, starts an EC2 job to publish the source code
  • hhvm-publish-single-release: takes a version number, and starts the hhvm-publish-release step function. Usually called by the hhvm-build-and-publish step function, followed by a wait then get-state-machine-executions-state.
  • hhvm-start-multiple-builds: takes mutiple version numbers, and starts multiple instances of the hhvm-build step function. Usually called by the hhvm-build-and-publish-multi step function, followed by a wait then get-state-machine-executions-state.
  • hhvm-start-single-builds: takes a version number, and starts the hhvm-build step function. Usually called by the hhvm-build-and-publish step function, followed by a wait then get-state-machine-executions-state.
  • hhvm-update-repositories: takes a version number, and starts an EC2 instance to update the apt repositories
  • shift-version: takes a versions value, and returns { version: version[0] ?? null, versions: versions.slice(1) }. Used by hhvm-build-and-publish-multi to iterate over versions when sequentially publishing releaes
  • terminate-instances: takes multiple EC2 instance IDs, and terminates them (shutdown with storage deletion)

Resuming Failed Step Functions

This isn't supported by AWS; if you need to do this, you have two options:

    1. cancel the parent step function (if any)
    2. delete any artifacts produced by the step function, its parent, or its siblings
    3. restart the process
  • run the neccessary commands by hand: find the produced output of the previous step in the AWS step functions console, and directly invoke the the next lambda as above. Repeat for the next step until you've traversed the state machine.

Debugging Issues With Lambdas

The step function output includes an 'Exception' tab. If it's not useful, follow the links to 'cloudwatch logs' on the info tab.


The sources for how we have built the HHVM packages.







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  • Shell 66.9%
  • JavaScript 28.8%
  • Makefile 4.3%