🔭 I have been working with IT since 2009 years and as a Developer since 2013, great experience with codes Angular 2+, NodeJS, Asp Net CORE, NODEJS, Web API, SQL, and Javascript, besides knowledge and practices with methodologies such as Clean Code, SOLID DDD, and Design Pattern.
🍕 Also since 2018 I have been an Organizer of GDG in São José dos Campos, which is a community for shared knowledge about technologies of development systems.
⚡ I have some repositories to show up my knowledge.
- A Search weather project Angular + AspNET + Docker, you can pull and execute just using DOCKER.
- CRUD Project Angular + AspNET + SQL + Docker you can run too.
- Angular Project A HashGame showing logic works using a Multidimensional Array | 🎮 Play my Hash Game
- Angular Single Page It is a single page to show social media URL| Link Page
- NodeJS - SOLID A Project which I am proud of SOLID Principles creating all principles as NodeJS class.
💬 Also I've been writing articles on Linkedin.
Links for all: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredpeixoto/recent-activity/articles/
📫 Finally, I showed in a short talk how to build environment variables from angular on Youtube(From 09:05m).