KiCad libraries to be used for new designs. All symbols and footprints are checked for correctness.
If you need to use a new symbol or footprint push it as a commit to the fdsp_new.lib for symbols or fdsp_new.mod for footprints. New commits will be checked for correctness and merged to the libraries as fast as possible.
For more information contact fabiangeissler.
Symbols are structured by functional groups like OPAmps, DSPs, ... The datasheets should have the same grouping as the symbols.
Footprints are structured by their kind. Please try to use the given directory structure.
If you have a symbol or footprint with unclear grouping just commit it with pull request to discuss the grouping.
For new commits of symbols or footprints please use the pull request method, so that the new parts can be reviewed and discussed.
This library will grow with time. Footprints and 3D models will be added as soon as possible.