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Rainbond is an application-centric Platform as a Service, with innovative concept and complete ecological comes from continuous verification and optimization.
By integrating best practices of Kubernetes based containers management, Service Mesh microservice architecture, CI/CD and multiple data center resource management, Rainbond provides full life-cycle management of cloud native applications, connects application and infrastructure, application and application, infrastructure and infrastructure.
Choose Rainbond for the same reasons disruptive companies do: it serve as a easy-to-use cloud native application delivery platform that offers agile development, efficient operation and lean management experience.
- Kubernetes scheduling system intergated
- Application-centric console
- Supports multiple microservice architecture (Spring Cloud, Dubbo and api gateway)
- Native microservice governance (service discovery, dynamic routing, limiting and fuse) based on extendable Service Mesh
- Business-level application performance analysis supports multiple types protocols (HTTP, Mysql, PostgreSQL)
- Build applications from source codeS (Java, PHP, Python, Golang, Ruby, etc.)
- Continuous build and deployment from private and public git repositories
- Quick application build with container image, docker-run command and docker-compose
- Pluggable data center supports various types of load balancing, SDN networks, various types of storage systems development
- Public and private application market with complete application sharing mechanism
- Multiple data center and across data center application deployment
- The management node (platform service) HA available.
- Compute cluster automation management, scale on demand, complete node monitoring.
Please read CONTRIBUTING to learn how you can start working on the Framework yourself.
- WeChat: add WeChat ID "zqg5258423" to join Rainbond WeChat group
Rainbond is under the LGPL-3.0 license, see LICENSE and Licensing for details.