An automated chat bot for steam which responds to certain phrases.
This bot was developed with ease-of-use in mind, and therefore, there is not a lot of setup required for it to work.
To use it, first install Node.JS (
Then, run install.bat, or cd into the directory where app.js is located, and then type "npm i" (no quotes).
Then, go into the data folder, and fill in the information in config.json.
Then, run start.bat, or cd into the directory where app.js is located, and then type "node app" (no quotes).
Then, go to an admin account (as specified in config) and send the message "add response" (no quotes) to the bot, and follow the instructions.
If you want to delete a reservation again, go to an admin account and send the message "remove response" (no quotes) to the bot, and follow the instructions.
I am currently working on actions (block user, unblock user, invite user to group, send an offer), aswell as permissions.
If you want to get help, or want any other programming job done, feel free to contact me at my steam profile: