This is a lightweight and convenient alternative to JEmoji, from which it is generated from.
Assuming you only need to use the emojis, you can use them directly with JDA instead of having to convert them!
The minimum Java version supported is Java 11.
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation("dev.freya02:jda-emojis:$version") // replace $version with the latest version
<version>${version}</version> <!-- replace ${version} with the latest version -->
There are two classes you can use Emojis
and UnicodeEmojis
, you can use either of them, they are the same.
This library only provides known emojis as constants, if you need to retrieve them from a string, you will have to use JEmoji.
Button approve = Button.primary("approve:data", "Approve").withEmoji(Emojis.WHITE_CHECK_MARK);
StringSelectMenu choices = StringSelectMenu.create("choices:data")
SelectOption.of("First choice", "1").withEmoji(Emojis.ONE)
MessageCreateData messageData = new MessageCreateBuilder()
// Since we reply to a slash command, we need to retrieve the message back
// This emoji's name is slightly different as fields can't start with digits
.flatMap(message -> message.addReaction(Emojis.HUNDRED_POINTS))
This project is licensed using the Apache 2.0 license.
The code was also partially generated from JEmoji, using the same license.