Hi there! Welcome to my GitHub profile. I'm passionate about data science, machine learning, and web scraping. Below are some of the skills I specialize in:
- Python 🐍
- SQL 💾
- PowerBI 📊
- Excel 📈
- Data Visualization 📊
- Machine Learning 🤖
- Web Scraping 🕸️
I'm a data enthusiast with a strong background in Python programming and data analysis. I enjoy working on projects that involve extracting insights from data and creating meaningful visualizations to communicate findings effectively.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
- Web Scraper For Flight Prices: This project scrapes data from ITAmatrix and stores it in an excel file.
- Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering: This project cleans, transforms and adds valueable new columns to scraped data with scraper project.
- Flight Price Predictor: This project is based on the work above. Thanks to Scikit-Learn and Streamlit Libraries it is now accessible as a web-app hosted on streamlit. To directly go to page use this link
Feel free to explore my repositories to see more of my work!
Please reach me out on my LinkedIn profile.
I'm always open to collaboration and networking, so feel free to reach out!