Follows the notes down here. At the moment it works only with test2.vhd and test2_tb.vhd. It also works with hier_test.vhd (test components).
result = yacc.parse(fileContents,debug=1)
NOTEs (and future improvements):
- does not support generate statements
- at the moment requires the keywords to be in small cases
- to be tested with generate statements
- ENTITY DECLARATION: requires entity ... end -> can the parser be modified to support this?
- COMPONENT DECLARATION: requires G1 : INV port map (A => A_s, F => F_s); For example, G1 : INV port map (A_s, F_s); is not supported. -> can the parser be modified to support this? However it supports G1 : INV port map (A => A_s, F => F_s); or G1 : INV port map (F => F_s, A => A_s); giving the same result for both. -> is it possible to connect ports directly to components without having to go through signals?
- inout ports are not supported
- complex components (e.g. cpu) have a very bad visualization of signals interconnections... How can this be improved?
python vhdl-dot.py hier_test.vhd dot -Tpdf ier_test.dot -o ier_test.pdf
if using emacs as editor to show pdf, use M-x auto-revert-mode to update pdf every time it changes
- Ports are rectangles, octagons are signals
- Update to pygraphviz, as George did for f2dot?
- Take insp from f2dot
- Careful, sometime signal is used instead of ports...