SWAT: Seamless Web Authentication Technology (published in the security and privacy track of WWW2019)
This repository holds the django module that demonstrates SWAT as well as a few scripts written to experiment the idea. A demonstrator of SWAT currently run at https://perceval.elen.ucl.ac.be
The core idea of SWAT is to provide a seamless challenge-response authentication protocol which leverages on the variation of html5 canvas rendering made by the software and hardware stacks. After a training phase that leads to feature extraction with deep learning techniques, a server becomes able to authenticate a user based on fresh canvasses, hence avoiding replay attacks. The whole authentication process is natively supported by any mainstream browser, stateless on client side and can be transparent to the user. We argue that those features facilitate deployment and composition with other authentication mechanisms without lowering the user experience.
Paper link: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3313637 or here: https://uclouvain.be/crypto/people/show/462
You may register, and try out to authenticate on https://perceval.elen.ucl.ac.be/authenticate when the learning phase finishes (the server is a rookie one, so be patient :-)
On the meantime, you may try to authenticate using the credential of my laptop: [email protected]. For the majority of you, it should outputs a small prediction (close to 0) that you're me, hopefully. And if it outputs a prediction arround 0.99, then congrat, you're me :)