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Releases: froi/github-project-migrator

Adding warning message to issue migrations

23 Feb 22:22
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What's in here

This is a small release that adds a warning message for the user when transferring issues to a new repository.

Why make this release

The GitHub issue transfer removes all labels that have been added to the original issue. While this is the expected behavior, it might be one that users don't expect.


Big thank you to @Chocrates for the PR #19

Project and Issue migration

10 Feb 22:58
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Hey there!

This release adds the ability to transfer issues with your project boards! 🎉

There is now a new prompt that will ask if you want to transfer issues where applicable. If you answer yes the issues that need to be transferred will be moved into the target repo.

What about PRs

Pull request can't be transferred between repositories. To solve this a project card will be created with a not that contains the PR's URL.

Why add this

Issue #17 reported an issue when moving boards from a GitHub organization level to a repo level. The migrator would error out because the issue that was the content of a project card did not exist in the repo.

Big thanks to @Chocrates for reporting this issue! 🌮

Transferring issues with your project boards

08 Feb 14:28
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Hey there!

This pre-release adds the ability to transfer issues with your project boards! 🎉

There is now a new prompt that will ask if you want to transfer issues where applicable. If you answer yes the issues that need to be transferred will be moved into the target repo.

What about PRs

Pull request can't be transferred between repositories. To solve this a project card will be created with a not that contains the PR's URL.

Why add this

Issue #17 reported an issue when moving boards from a GitHub organization level to a repo level. The migrator would error out because the issue that was the content of a project card did not exist in the repo.

Big thanks to @Chocrates for reporting this issue! 🌮

v1.2.4 GitHub Auth Device Flow release

20 Jan 04:13
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With this release we hit a milestone of including proper authorization using GitHub OAuth device flow.

What's new

  • A finalized auth command and functionality
  • Better error management and console messaging
  • A number of typos fixed

To install

npm install -g gh-project-migrator

More info:

PRE-RELEASE: Add device auth flow

17 Jan 20:36
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This is a pre-release for the authentication functionality that uses the GitHub Device Auth Flow.

Currently this pre-release has all functionality implemented. A proper release will be crafted once we publish this into NPM and have a good CLI experience.

For now you have two commands that you can use:

  • migrate: used to migrate your GitHub project boards. It verifies that you are authenticated with GitHub.
  • auth: used to authenticate with GitHub and obtain you user token. This token is saved on your machine as a YAML configuration file in your home directory.


19 Nov 21:11
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Updated NPM dependencies to remove Dependabot security alerts.


19 Nov 20:43
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This is the initial release for this tool.

This initial release was made to satisfy a very specific requirement: migrating a project from a repository to a organization level project within the same organization.

Future releases will have more functionality and will hopefully be more useful.