The ultimate (GPL) Web browser component for Java. Light, Simple.
- No announcement from Sun/Oracle in years in respect with a Swing Web Browser component.
- The only thing they have going is JavaFX, but you don't want to include JavaFX in your project.
- The abandonment of JDIC.
- HTML5 everywhere.
We dived into the JDIC code and rescued it to create a Web browser component for Java, one that is light (less than 30Kb on MacOSX and 185Kb on Windows), best of all simple to use.
WebBrowser browser = BrowserFactory.instance().createBrowser();
browser.setListener(this); //See the WebBrowser interface for the available events.
someJPanel.add(browser.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
* Register a Java function to invoke it from the JavaScript world.
* (Javascript functions must only receive a String parameter for now,
* what we do is pass A json formatted string here)
* /
browser.function(new BrowserFunction("testFn") {
public String run(String data) {
return "Callback: " + data;
* This is how you invoke the function from JavaScript:
* testFn(data);
* An alternate form of invoking this function would be:
* window.jbrowser.callJava("testFn",data);
//And this is how you invoke JavaScript from the Java World.
browser.runJS("alert('test alert');");