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Bring back SeqT (#546)
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gusty authored Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 46a1e9d commit fa6cdba
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,772 additions and 9 deletions.
158 changes: 154 additions & 4 deletions docsrc/content/type-seqt.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,165 @@
(*** hide ***)
// This block of code is omitted in the generated HTML documentation. Use
// it to define helpers that you do not want to show in the documentation.

#r @"../../src/FSharpPlus/bin/Release/netstandard2.0/FSharpPlus.dll"

// For some reason AsyncDownloadString is not found during doc build. The following is a dumb implementation just to make the compiler happy.
// TODO find out why.

type System.Net.WebClient with member wc.AsyncDownloadString (uri: System.Uri) = async { return wc.DownloadString uri }

TO-DO Add some docs here !
SeqT<Monad<bool>, 'T>
This is the the Monad Transformer for `seq<'T>` so it adds sequencing to existing monads by composing them with `seq<'T>`.
Any monad can be composed, but a very typical usage is when combined with `Async` or `Task`, which gives rise to what's called async sequences.
Therefore the [AsyncSeq]( library can be considered a specialization of this monad in Async.
The original post from AsyncSeq can be found [here]( and we can run those examples with `SeqT` by adapting the code.
In order to do so we need to be aware of the design differences of both implementations.
body #fsdocs-content table, th, td { border: 1px solid black;border-collapse: collapse; }
body #fsdocs-content table code { word-break: normal; }
| **AsyncSeq** | **SeqT** | **Notes** |
|`AsyncSeq<'T>` |`SeqT<Async<bool>, 'T>` | |
|`asyncSeq { .. }` |` { .. }` | At some point it needs to be inferred as `SeqT<Async<bool>, 'T>`, or it can be specified with type parameters: `monad<SeqT<Async<bool>, 'T>>.plus` |
|`let! x = y` |`let! x = SeqT.lift y` | No auto lifting. Lifting should be explicit. |
|`do! x` |`do! SeqT.lift x` | '' |
|`for x in s` |`let! x = s` | When `s: SeqT` otherwise `for` is still ok with regular sequences. |
|`AsyncSeq.[function]` |`SeqT.[function]` | See differences in functions below. |
|`AsyncSeq.[function]Async` |`SeqT.[function]M` | '' |
|`AsyncSeq.skip` |`SeqT.drop` | `.skip` is available but consistently with F# collections, it throws when the sequence doesn't have enough elements. |
|`AsyncSeq.take` |`SeqT.truncate` | `.take` is available but consistently with F# collections, it throws when the sequence doesn't have enough elements. |
|`AsyncSeq.toBlockingSequence` |` >> Async.RunSynchronously` | Not really the same but semantically equivalent. |
|`AsyncSeq.toListAsync` |`SeqT.runAsList` | |
|`AsyncSeq.toArrayAsync` |`SeqT.runAsArray` | |
|`AsyncSeq.zipWith` |`SeqT.map2` | Aligned with F# collections. |
|`AsyncSeq.zipWithAsync` |`SeqT.map2M` | '' |
|`AsyncSeq.ofObservable` |`Observable.toAsyncSeq` |`.toTaskSeq` is also available. |
|`AsyncSeq.toObservable` |`Observable.ofAsyncSeq` |`.ofTaskSeq` is also available. |

#r "nuget: FSharpPlus,1.3.0-CI02744" // still as pre-release

open System
open System.Net
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data

let urls =
[ ""; "";
""; ""; ]

// Asynchronous sequence that returns URLs and lengths
// of the downloaded HTML. Web pages from a given list
// are downloaded asynchronously in sequence.
let pages: SeqT<_, _> = {
use wc = new WebClient ()
for url in urls do
let! html = wc.AsyncDownloadString (Uri url) |> SeqT.lift
yield url, html.Length
with _ ->
yield url, -1 }

// Print URL of pages that are smaller than 100k
let printPages =
|> SeqT.filter (fun (_, len) -> len < 100000)
|> fst
|> SeqT.iter (printfn "%s")

printPages |> Async.Start

These samples above and below come from the [original AsyncSeq post]( and they can be easily switched to task sequeces (taskSeq), simply add `|> Async.StartAsTask` between `wc.AsyncDownloadString (Uri url)` and `|> SeqT.lift` then run eveything but the `printPages |> Async.Start`.

// A simple webcrawler

#r "nuget: FSharpPlus,1.3.0-CI02744"
#r "nuget: HtmlAgilityPack"

open System
open System.Net
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open HtmlAgilityPack
open FSharp.Control

open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions for downloading documents, extracting links etc.

/// Asynchronously download the document and parse the HTML
let downloadDocument url = async {
try let wc = new WebClient ()
let! html = wc.AsyncDownloadString (Uri url)
let doc = new HtmlDocument ()
doc.LoadHtml html
return Some doc
with _ -> return None }

/// Extract all links from the document that start with "http://"
let extractLinks (doc:HtmlDocument) =
[ for a in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes ("//a") do
if a.Attributes.Contains "href" then
let href = a.Attributes.["href"].Value
if href.StartsWith "https://" then
let endl = href.IndexOf '?'
yield if endl > 0 then href.Substring(0, endl) else href ]
with _ -> []

/// Extract the <title> of the web page
let getTitle (doc: HtmlDocument) =
let title = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode "//title"
if title <> null then title.InnerText.Trim () else "Untitled"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic crawling - crawl web pages and follow just one link from every page

/// Crawl the internet starting from the specified page
/// From each page follow the first not-yet-visited page
let rec randomCrawl url =
let visited = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<_> ()

#r @"../../src/FSharpPlus/bin/Release/net45/FSharpPlus.dll"
// Visits page and then recursively visits all referenced pages
let rec loop url = {
if visited.Add(url) then
let! doc = downloadDocument url |> SeqT.lift
match doc with
| Some doc ->
// Yield url and title as the next element
yield url, getTitle doc
// For every link, yield all referenced pages too
for link in extractLinks doc do
yield! loop link
| _ -> () }
loop url

open FSharpPlus
// Use SeqT combinators to print the titles of the first 10
// web sites that are from other domains than
randomCrawl ""
|> SeqT.filter (fun (url, title) -> url.Contains "" |> not)
|> snd
|> SeqT.take 10
|> SeqT.iter (printfn "%s")
|> Async.Start

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