This is a voting application that checks the weight of a voter based on their stake in the Balancer Pool. The application allows whitelisted members to create new proposals and vote on existing proposals. If the proposal is passed, it should be executed. Upon proposal execution, the contract should allow stakers to add / remove members from the Multisig wallet in an automated fashion.
- Allow members to create multisig wallets
- Allow members to propose to add / remove members from the multisig wallet
- Includes a membership proposal system & voting system (25% voting quorum)
- The contract should execute functions in an automated function once proposals are executed
contains the core contract logic for creating, voting, and executing proposals.Multisig.sol
contains the multisig wallet logicMockBalERC.sol
this is a mock ERC20 token contract used to represent the BalancerPool ERC20 token contract
Install dependencies
npm install
Deploy the contracts to Rinkeby
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
Navigate to front end folder
cd frontend
npm install
Launch the front end locally
npm start
Head to http://localhost:1234 in your browser